26 - Justin's crush and a lucky save

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Kates P. O. V

Remember when I said there could not be anything worse than G and Justin dating. Apparently ,I was wrong G dating Harry is definitely worse.

I would better have G dating Justin, even though it hurts, even though it makes me a horrible friend .

Harry was giving me death glare the entire dinner . If looks could kill I would have been dead not once ,but several times . As a matter of fact, I think I would prefer being dead then suffer what's gonna happen next.

Through the whole dinner Harry and I hardly said anything to one another, despite several fail attempts by Justin and G to start a conversation.

After dinner , G suggested we should go to the beach. The beach was not very far from the cafe. It was like 10 minute drive.  We could have practically walked there but since both me and G were wearing heels we drove

At the beach

" Okay we will give you guys some privacy so you guys can make out " Justin said teasingly to Harry and G

" Like you two did" G replied earning a sharp look from me

" I am kidding " She smiled .

" Ok you love birds, have fun " Justin said and G and Harry went ahead while me an Justin, just watch and stood their awkwardly.

" I guess. I owe you a big apology " I finally said looking at Justin

" I am actually getting used to you calling me an asshole" He grinned

" I feel horrible "

" If you wanna feel better, you can buy ice cream "

" Great "  I said smiling back at him and we went to the small ice cream parlor at the parking lot. Justin and I have the same taste in ice cream ,we both ordered chocolate ice cream with marshmallows.

" You wanna walk " He asked

" Walk in sand, in these heels.  I am not crazy" I said

" You can take them off ,genius " He replied making me feel pretty stupid, why dint I thought of that. So We were walking on the beach ,the cool sand giving relief to my bare feet after the torture it endured by the heels.

" You should not feel horrible by the way, none of it was your fault"

" You should have said that before I wasted my money on buying you ice cream"I said smiling and he laughed

"I am really sorry for  what Harry said back there, he is not a bad guy and he could actually take a joke. I don't know why he was acting like a jerk"

" It was okay " I said lookig away. I knew exactly why  he was acting like a jerk , I have seen worse.

" It wasn't okay , I am sure he will apologize when he will come to his senses" Justin said trying to comfort me

Yeah as if that is ever gonna happen. Harry apologizing  me. Sun rising from west, sounds much more belivable than that

" Anyway what was that mystery girl thing about." I said changing the topic .

" Oh that, ummm.. It's just my friends came up with, for a girl I had sort of a crush"

" Your crush" I said with surprise

" You wanna know who she is"

" You don't have to tell me "

" It's fine I want to. She is verry beautiful, sweet, awkward and shy but at the same time she is not afraid to tell people what she thinks about, not afraid to tell the harsh truth. She blabbers when she gets nervous and has no idea how cute she looks when she does that. She is brave and smart , but has no idea about it. She doesn't know how to take a compliment "

My heart was beating so fast that I am pretty sure he could hear it. All the caterpillar in my stomach were turning into butterflies and he looked into my eyes and I just wish the ground swallow me. I don't know how to act or what to say or how to say

" She also once told me that my smile is great and my green eyes look enchanting when I smile. She is a kind of person who says strange things at strange moments,for example she said thank you after our first kiss.  In case you still don't get it the mystery girl, the girl I have a crush on is..... "he said chuckling and leaned in

My mind was telling me you can't let him kiss you again but my heart and body were doing the opposite. My eyes were closed ,my lips wanted the closeness of his lips.

" You" He wispered in my ears and backed off , teasingly.

I could not belive this is real. Justin just said he likes me. It cant be true he is too out of my league.Not even targets like me and he is like, this is so like a cliche movie.

" I -I, you" I was lost for words. It was like I am toddler who doesn't know how to speak. Before I could prepare my self to say another word. G and Harry came back

" Hey you all right. You look flushed " She said looking at me

" Yeah . I am totally fine, definitely fine, super actually super fine " I said nervously

" Okay . Miss fine " She said grinning

" Its already  11:30 , we should go " She said

" Yeah okay" I said

" Okay I will call the cab" G replied

" I can give you guys a lift. " Harry said

" You live in the opposite direction.Its already late and I don't wanna worry you "

" Letting you go alone is definitely gonna get me worried" Harry said

" Ok Kat live pretty near your house so you could give her a ride ,and Justin lives near mine so he can drop me home. This way no one has to do a derout, we have anyway a lot to talk about"she said mischeviously

" That sounds so much fun " Justin said laughing

" Fine " Harry mummered

" It would be okay with you Kat" G asked

I nodded

"It's good, I will get a chance to apologize too " Harry said looking at me. For a nano second i made eye contact with him. I know I am ,so screwed.

We get into the car and he dint said a thing, he just started driving, minutes passed and Harry still dint said a word. The silence was terrible. I was expecting him to shout at me "

" Okay, I know it was crazy but I can explain " I can't take his silence anymore and said

" Just shut up " He said in a dead voice. " I will literally throw you out if you utter another word"

" Fine " I said , he gave me an angry look.

At first I thought he will throw me out but he dint.Instead he started driving fast ,at first it was okay. I wasn't worried but soon the speed increased and it wasn't a highway, there were not many cars, but it wasn't empty road

" Ok Harry stop, you are going too fast " I said. Instead of slowing down, he started going faster. He was driving crazy fast.

" Harry please stop" I cried. I know why he was doing it. I saw a car coming from front and I thought he would slow down but he didnt. He looked at me and smirked

Fucking idiot . He is gonna get us kill , my heart was pounding. I was sure we were gonna die , the other car was right in front.

He turned to the left and applied break. I closed my eyes as the car skids ,we were saved from crashing the pole on the side by an inch, literally an inch. It was a lucky save

I didn't even look at Harry. I can't. I know he was angry but it doesn't give him a right to put his or, my life at risk .He did it to punish me, he knows how extra scary and traumatic it would be for me and he did it just because of that.

The rest of the drive. I didn't said a word. Despite my desperate effort, tears were coming from my eyes. I was looking at the windows. I don't wanted Harry to see my cry and have the satisfaction.

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