42 - Not actor

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Kate's P. O. V

I was at my locker minding my own business when I saw the whole gang of bullies coming toward me.It was like Voldemort moving toward me along with his army of death eaters Ray,Vicky and there followers

" Hey whats up target" Ray said pushing me to the locker

" What do you want? " I asked to be honest I wasn't scared. I was kinda irritated. I just want this to get over

" I want that you loose that attitude. You being Isaac's time pass doesn't change anything "

" I never thought it did " I murmured

" Did you said something "

I shook my head

" She must be missing her boyfriend " Vicky said

I was on the other hand happy that Isaac wasn't here he had already done so much. I don't want to ruin, whatever kind of relationship he had with Ray Or Vicky which would in turn affect Ray not choosing his script. I can't make Issac loose his dream. I do know how important they are

" Good, you are learning quickly "

" Let's see what is in your locker? " He said pushing me away

" Books, books, books " His follower Travis said throwing everything out " And what is this " He said holding the picture of mom that was taped at the back of my locker

" Don't touch that" I said snatching the picture from him

" Now , it's bad manner taking other people things.Come on hand it over. " Ray said with a crooked smile

" No "

" I am sorry. Maybe I herd you wrong. Did you just said no"

" No you herd right, she did say no" Justin said

" Well mate it doesn't really matter what she say or what you say. "

" You can't bully her " Justin said

" And why is that exactly "

" Because she is my girlfriend " Issac said appearing from nowhere literally

" Girlfriend you mean your new plaything. Being your slut doesn't really make her part of the accord" She said looking at me.

" Nobody ask your opinion and it doesn't matter anyway " Issac replied

" I don't care I just want that picture and I get what I want oneway Or other "Ray said

" Yeah try taking it then "Justin replied

" You are going to stop me ,you are new you, clearly don't know how things work here" Ray stated

" Or maybe I don't really care "

I can see Ray was pissed. I don't wanted to be the reason of fight between Justin and Ray

" You need this picture, take it okay. I don't even know why you want it just take it and stop this for godsake "

" You are right.It doesn't matter to me but it clearly matters to you and by the way we haven't even started "ray teared the picture into pieces and moved right past me. Everyone else following

" You okay " Justin asked

" Yeah thank you " I said

" I gotta go " Justin said and left

" You are not going alone anywhere I am accompanying you everywhere. "

" Issac you being my bodyguard won't help and even if you try you can't be everywhere with me"

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