2.following orders

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🌺KATE'S P. O. V🌺

Oh no! Its already 6 o'clock. I woke up in a hurry realizing I was late and started with my daily chores cleaning the house I started with the drawing room and then the kitchen. I clean the rooms after I came back from school as nobody wanted me disturbing their sleeping schedule's

After that I started with preparing the breakfast, I first made the coffee☕and then prepared the batter for pancakes🥞

"The breakfast isn't ready yet, seriously Kate do u try to make me late every day"

"I am sorry Aunt Lilly it would just take me a few more min". I answered pouring cofee in her cup

"Well make it faster"

I finished making the pancakes. I placed it on the table and went to my room to get ready for school.

"Kate I don't want to hear anything you are coming to the party on my house on Saturday "Geeta said

" I already told u I can't. I am busy" I replied

" Busy doing what?? . Tell me and I won't bother you . " She said

" I have to finish my homework "

"You will get the whole Sunday for that and with the brain like yours you could finish it in an hour or so "

"I have to go somewhere on Saturday night ,so I need to finish my homework and packing ,before that" I said

She stared at me for another 2 min suspiciously and then said "okay"

I hate lying to her but there is nothing I can do ,as if my aunt and uncle would ever gave me permission to attend a party. Harry is allowed to go on parties ,dates. But for me all this things are a punishable offence.

Sometimes I do wish that I could tell Geeta everything, I do trust her but Harry would be mad if he knew I told somebody about this and I don't want aunt Lily's golden boy going to her with some fake lies which her mother would for sure belive and make my life hell.

Though I don't know how could she make it any worse but I don't want to take any chances.

I was awakened from my thoughts by the bell 🔔 and school was over, time to go back to being a slave. I said bie to Geeta and went home.

Coming to home I resumed with my daily chores of cleaning and preparing dinner

. I was in the middle of my homework when I was interrupted by Harry
". Hey slave girl. Tell mom I would be late I am going on a movie with Emily
And finish this. " He said giving me his algebra homework

"You know ,you have to give the exams yourself"I said taking the book from him

" None of your business " He replied and went out
Offcourse, my buisness was only following orders.

I finished my homework and had dinner and went to bed.

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