5. Harry's huge favour

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Kate's P.O.V

Aunt Lily was looking at me like she is going to change into a dragon, emit fire balls and burn me to death.
She was gonna start lecturing me but was interrupted by Harry

Harry looked at me and said "You are early. I thought Emily would need more time "

"What are you talking about ". Aunt Lily gave him a questioning look

"She didn't tell you. I told you to call and let mom know."He looked at me as if I was supposed to know what he is talking about

"Let me know what ? "Aunt Lily asked

"Actually Emily wanted to go shopping and needed some help. I told slave here, to help her she was with Emily." Harry replied

"Honey why would your girlfriend would want Kate's help .Emily is such a fine girl with a great sense of fashion and Kate doesn't even know F of fashion she has a disgusting fashion sense"

I sometime wonder that does she really forget that I am standing there when she said things like that or does she just take pleasure in me being embarassed. Definitely it's the second one.

But this time all that was going on my mind was Harry didn't told me to help Emily as far as I remember, and he would never do so. I have strict instructions to stay at my room whenever Emily come to visit.

Wait does that mean he is saving me.
He has never done that ever. I was prepared for Aunt Lily's wrath but this was unexpected which I know from my experience is never good

"She was shopping for some other stuff decorations and essentials for her new home . You know she is moving away to Paris her father got a transfer. "

"She is moving away to Paris" I didn't plan to say it loud but I was too shocked to care

Both of them were looking at me. Shit did I just blew my cover

"Since when do you ask questions here. Your job was to help her, not to know why she needed it"
Harry said glaring at me

"Oh darling don't worry long distance relationship are not that hard ,now a days because of advance technology. "

"Yeah mom it would be fine." Harry said without an expression but it sounded like he was sad

"What are you waiting for ,the rooms are not going to clean themselves get started with your chores. I have to go meet a client and Harry dear, me and your father would be late we would have dinner out"

"There is some money at the kitchen table order a pizza and Kate ,there are some fresh vegetables in the fridge you can make yourself a salad you are getting so fat. "

That women doesn't miss an opportunity to insult me I am not fat at all but I know ,that replying to her would just instigate her to insult me more

"Okay thanks", I said

She went to her car and left .I went inside and was gona start cleaning when Harry blocked my path

"Don't you have something to say slave"

"I don't remember you asking me to help Emily"

" That's because I didn't asked you to"

" You were helping me"

" Yeah I did you a huge favor. You are welcome"

"Oh sorry uh I mean thank you sorry for not saying thank you before and thank you for helping me"

"Stop blabbering.You do not think I did you the favour without a reason slave"

(There it is, offcourse I was aware of it coming ,doesn't mean I was prepared. Harry would not help me unless he want something on return. )

"What do you want Harry? "

"Umm actually I need a favour from you slave. "He said hesitatingly
Which was quite strange because he never hesitated to order me before

" I am throwing Emily, a farewell this Saturday at Tyler place, everything else is arranged but I need a waitress and I am a bit Short on budget , so you are going to be the waitress. "

"You want me to be waitress at a school party. Would Vicky and Ray would be there? "

"Yeah Emily wanted to leave on good terms and plus she would be announcing the new head chearleader ,new member of the accord so yeah"

"You are out of your mind"

"Well the thing is you don't have a choice in this. Unless you want mom to know you were making out with a guy and that's why you were late"

"I was not making out with anyone"

"And you think she would believe you and not me"

"what will she say about you covering up for me"

He laughed and said "I will tell her you ditched Emily ,that would make her more angry. "

I knew I had no choice. "Fine" I said

"A very important rule of hospitality is to not be rude ,so loose the attitude slave I don't want anything to go wrong at the party"

"Yes sir as you wish.If you would excuse me I have to finish cleaning your house." I said as politely as possible for me at that time I didn't have the energy to fight

Before he could say anything I left I cleaned all the rooms and I just went to my room and cried hugging Moms photo

I am too tired of this, all this every day is like a survival it has occured to me a multiple times in the past 4 years to commit suicide (just a thught I never did it). I don't want to let my mom down .

when mom was alive she worked so hard to provide me everything I want. She never missed any of my school event she never dated ,so that I don't feel lonely, she was my everything.

When she died I lost everything living with the Carter's is not easy but I can't die a coward my mom sacrificed her dream ,so I could fulfill mine and I would not give up.I will get into Harvard become a doctor and I will make her proud.

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