4. Science or Fashion

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Kate's P.O.V

After I finished the test I was waiting for Geeta at the rose garden on the terrace of the school reading my favorite book "The fault in our stars".

It was kind of our place , nobody comes here usually  so we can talk about anything. We can make as much noise as we want .Moreover the roses remind me of mom. Her name was Rose.

"Kat I aced it . I don't believe I am saying this but I may get an A. Can you imagine." Geeta said with a big smile.

"I told you ,you can do it. You just have to trust yourself and work hard "I replied

"And you need to stop reading the same book again and again what is it the 100th time that you are reading it. You have an obsession with this book" she said snatching the book from my hand

"I am not obsessed with it "

She gave me a look

"Ok fine I am a bit obsessed it's a good book "I said taking the book back from her and putting it in my bag

"Whatever exams are over we need to celebrate, in one weak we would be seniors. My dad said that if I get a decent score ,he would let me drive. "

"Oh so that's why you wanted to do good in maths". That explains a lot

"Duh! what other reason could I have.I don't know why they teach subjects like maths and science,when they could teach you intresting subjects "

"Like fashion and makeup". I said sarcastically which she definitely din't get

"Yeah exactly"

"G that was sarcasm they teach us subjects like maths and science, which would help you to invent new things, that could change lives. "I said being protective of my favorite subjects

"Like what robots ,why do we even need them"

"Yes robots and cellphones and cars"

"Well fashion is important too it changes life, take cindrella for example, she is the proof that a pair of shoes can change your life. "

"I can't ever win a fight with you can I. "

"No you can't Kat that's why you are my best friend "she smiled and said

"So that is why , I am your best friend" I gave her a angry look

"No silly it's because of a lot of reason you are kind , logical, realistic ,all those things that I am not  we make a great team and you are the only one person in the entire planet who can make me pass maths " she said and we both laughed

"I know you from 3 years Kat and I have told you all my secrets and you have told me yours we can't keep anything from each other that is why you are my best friend"

I feel so guilty when she said it

Suddenly the final bell rang
"Do u realize when we come back to school next week we would be senior's" she asked me excitedly

I was gona reply when we hear a girl shouting for help from the stairs

We run towards her . We stop when we saw her lying on the floor holding her ankle Vicky was standing 2 steps away from her along with her 2 friends or followers .

"You think you could get away after complaining about me" Vicky growled

"I didn't complain "the girl said

"I saw you doing it Judy "one of the follower of Vicky step forward and kick her at the ankle

"So you complain and you lie"

"I am sorry ,you threw the chit under my desk the examiner asked so I have to tell her otherwise she would have failed me"

"So your grades matter more ,or your life"

"I am sorry "

"Listen gal if the examiner or anyone ask you again you will tell her it was yours otherwise I would make sure to destroy you. You got it"

The girl nodded

Vicky kicked her at the ankle again . The girl started crying .Vicky mocked her and left ,her follower's followed her

Suddenly Vicky returned and asked her "can you move " Jade shaked her head. Vicky held her bag Me and Geeta were shocked .Even her followers were shocked it was not in Vicky's nature to help someone

Then Vicky took her mobile out and threw her bag at her and said ."Maybe lying here for infinite amount of time would help you realize your mistake"
Her followers ,laughed and all of them left

Me and Geeta ran to her

"Are you allright ?"G asked her

"My ankle hurts I think it's broken"

"Can I see" I said. I usually help Dr. Swayer( our school doctor) at service class so I knew a bit about first aid. I touched her ankle bone and she yelped
"You need fracture "I said

"come on we will take you to the hospital. "G said

"No.My brother works nearby he will come and get me. If I could call him"

"Yeah sure "Geeta gave her the phone

We waited for her until her brother came to get her, she thanked us and left.

"It's already 3 o'clock "geeta said

"3 we should go"

She took her bike and asked if I need a ride I refused ,cant risk Geeta knowing I live at the same place as Harry and also her house was at the opposite direction

Are you sure she asked again

Oh yeah

She left and I went to the bus stop fortunately I got the bus early

But by the team I reached the house it was 4 and Aunt Lily was standing at the gate. Even though the house is not that close o school . I do reach by 2:40 max .

Shit, I knew I was in trouble I was an hour late.

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