48-he has made his choice

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Kate's P.O.V

"no way " was my answer when ray asked me to be a slave at his party on Friday

 I don't wanted to hear any more. I know I was already in deep water but going to Rays party as his slave is like going to shark zone and removing your life jacket so one way or other you are dead 

"yes way"

"Ray I mean it. Its one thing being your slave and another being your slave at a party full of people. I never agreed to it . You don't want me to serve drink and food there and what you plan to do I don't want to know so NO "There was a certain pleasure in saying No to him 

"You are smart , I will give you that but I guess your memory is not that strong . You remembered we talk about doing something special ,  you will come to the party and follow my every order without any hesitation I am not forcing you here but you do  remember a certain boyfriend and his dream script " 

I knew how important it is  for Isaac but I also know that agreeing to Ray will  be be signing up for a cold blood murder , I was scared of Ray just looking at him I can tell he is planning something worst but then don't I owe it to Isaac . Contemplating everything I looked at his smug face and told him I am quitting for a moment he did looked shocked definitely but then his smug smile returned 

" That easy , was it not you who said I will do every thing for Isaac. "he said mockingly. " I don't thought of you to be quitter but as I said no one is forcing you, you can quit however there is something that can convince you otherwise "

"There is only one reason I agreed to all thi-

"If you wont do it for Isaac , would you do it for Harry?" he said before I can even complete my sentence . 

"W-why w-would I do it for Harry "I  know fear was very evident in my voice 

"Don't play the game with me Kate . I know about you and Harry.  You two seriously think you can hide it from me " he laughed

"Imagine what will happen to his reputation when everyone gets to know about you two. Do you think he will be happy if he gets to know you have a choice to let his secret, be secret but you instead choose yourself selfishly. I will keep your secret if you agree to be my slave on the party "

" What are you planning to do at the party " I asked

" I have big plans but you don't want to  know , you do remember your position don't you slave , you are allowed to use one of the words either yes or no so which one it will be "

"Can I have time to think about it "

" wrong answer and anyway honey if you are gonna discuss it with Harry , what do you think he is going to say . let me tell you a secret no  on else knows except me Vicky , Emily , her hot exotic  replacement  and Harry . " he sat on the sofa . gesturing me to the seat right beside him on the sofa , I sat in front instead of seating beside him .

he chuckled and continued" well its about the very famous third rule of our accord, that everyone in the accord , their girlfriend , sister brother etc. are saved but this rule does not include the captain , which means if anyone of us , say I have a girlfriend ,the other 3 get a free pass to do anything to her , they would basically own her and she has to willingly submit to all their demands , so basically any one related to us in any way even our flings  and not accord leader is a willing target and you know no one is allowed to butt in when a target is shown their place. they do need to convince the target  even if they resist "

So you see you are any way screwed , you will have to submit and Harry wont protect you, he will be on my side. If he tried to protect he will break the whole accord. Who do you think he will choose .."he went on explaining more 

But my brain was stuck and cant actually comprehend what he was saying after  the most important question "who will he choose" ,which was basically a rhetorical question Harry had  already made his choice ,  Harry sold me to Ray in exchange of protection for his team mates. It was a done deal when they created the accord. Ray owns me he just didn't knew it until now just like I didn't know that I was sold like an object .

My thoughts were running so fast and cant focus on any one thing , this is  the reason Harry didn't want anyone in school to know I am his sister or to be my friends  because if they know chances of  Ray knowing will increase  was he trying to save me or is it because if they are friends with me they will  try to protect me  and break the accord. it must be the latter , harry don't care if he did, he would not have agreed to it. I am just a slave to him full stop there is no but

I can feel panic building inside me I  cant stay here a single moment I cant break down in front of Ray , "I will be  your slave at your party, I will do what you say " with all the courage left in me I said those words ,they barely come out of my mouth but in mind  I was screaming . I ran out  as fast as I can I don't even know where my legs were going it was like they were running involuntarily there was no coordination between my legs and my brain I feel no control . I cant see anything 

"what the hell,  watch where you are going" someone was  pulling my hand in opposite direction . I cant see, my eyes were filled with tears  but I know the voice.

Kate Arryn, what's wrong ? ( Justin asked softly )

 "I don't know" . I sobbed I cant control my self I burst into a crying 

"Its okay you are all right" 

I don't know how much time it was ,  when I came back to my senses I  realize my head was buried in Justin's chest his jacket had my tears he was gently stoking my hair , I feel okay but I don't want to leave it I want to stay like that forever 

"are you okay? " he asked gently without breaking us apart 

"I am all right "  I replied creating a bit of distance between us  " I am sorry "

Justin just looked at me I can see the concern in his green eyes.  he was trying to search the answer in my eyes 

"I am sorry about your jacket ,why don't you give it to me I will wash it and bring it back to you, sorry about your time also I wasted your time . I know you must be busy  and thanks for saving me, you don't have to you know " 

"shut up , just shut up  " he dragged me to where his car was parked because we were still somewhat near the main road that i just noticed. he opened  the car door for me , and gestured me to sit 

"Justin I  am fine ,   I don't want to waste more of your time"

"Didn't i just told you to shut up"  he shouted angrily 

I was taken a back he never talked to me like that ever 

"I am sorry , I don't mean to shout at you" he replied realizing 

"its okay Justin"

"Its not ,nothing is okay Kate , do you even realize you  were running and crying   in the middle of the road, its crazy" he said pushing the car door shut that he  opened for me  

"I am not crazy, Justin . I am fine okay , yeah I was running and crying on the middle of the road and you saved me but  I didn't asked you for anything  and I said thank you what do you want  from me, a medal " I was mad that he called me crazy  but now I feel guilty that I shouted at him for saving me 

I saved you because that's what decent people do and for the record I dint said you are crazy I said it was  crazy  , it makes me crazy and mad to see you running in the middle of the road the thought that you might have got hurt  , hurts me."

The conviction and pain in his voice , made me so guilty 

"I am sorry Justin, I don't do well with the crazy word and I vented out my anger with the word on you. I didn't actually mean most of it and thank you for saving me "

"Having a panic attack don't make you crazy"

"you know about it"

"you are not the first person I saw mom used to have it  a lot when dad passed away , her appointment with the doc and medicines helped "

"I -I "

"you don't always have to say something Kate" 


"Come on let me drop you home , I am not asking" . he stated opening the passenger door for me 
 I gave up and let Justin drop me 

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