47- Ray's party invitation

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Kates P.O.V

Here comes Monday . I have a very successful week of studying I was able to complete everything , I haven't done my pre reading which i always do but at least I have covered what ever I have missed  so i am not lagging behind in studies.  I am also sad that I am still obliged to be Ray"s slave after school but its still better to only be the slave 

overall my weekend was good accept Harry as always making my life more difficult by lecturing me about my academic performance in Maths class  as if he cares  and then he has the guts to tell me I should break up with Issac . I was too mad at him that I told him he can go and do whatever he want , I am not even in a relationship with Issac but does not mean I am giving him the satisfaction of knowing it , he doesn't even care to tell me things related directly to me so why should I do that 

I was too tired after school , I went straight to Rays house , finished up  everything I paid extra attention to everything making sure that everything is perfect as I do not want him to think I am slagging I am already not doing everything he has asked me so I have to do it absolutely perfect. He told me he wont be home y so after I am done I can leave which was great. Its better this way 

after completing this I went home , did finished up with cleaning , cooking . after doing my  homework  it was already 10:30pm . Harry was till not home which was not unusual I was going to sleep when I saw my chemistry  assignment and  I thought about Justin  and I texted him instantly because whatever is going on my life should not affect his score 
after typing and deleting and retying at least 5 times this was the best I came up with 

Hi Justin, I am sorry you are right we do have more time to get more data so lets do few more experiment on chemistry class and after that  we can get it compiled on Saturday , whatever time you are free is good with me 

sure Kate , we can do it at my place or wherever you like , 12 pm work for you 

yeah sure that is perfect 

btw I am sorry too 
I guess I don't get your forgiveness, you are still mad at me 

you don't need it as I have no reason to be mad at you in first place

we both know that is not true 

its true for me , Justin,. Good Night !

Good night Kate!


Harry P.O.V

so G is till mad at Kate for not replying and wont shut up about her, I  want to tell het it would be okay but i know it will not  on the other hand after the weekend Kate looks better more relaxed s till not talking to me . even when I instigate her she avoid giving me any sarcastic reply, until she gets back with sarcasm I don't think she has got past it 

I am worried about her , Getta  and Justin , all three of them matter a lot to me and it feels like I have not been fair to any one of them . I know why I started it my main motive was Katie's safety but it does not look like Kate is safe I want to end ll lies and come clean, but I have come too far to tell everyone the truth and there are still risk involved because of the accord  and Ray .he devil and  well think of the devil and he appears I mentally curse my self  when i see the bastard come toward me with his stupid grin

"What do you want Ray ?" I asked suppressing the urge to punch him 

"Why so chum, not getting good sex, I can give some tips to the girls , which ever you are getting it from  " he said with a wink

"I don't understand what you mean   neither do I care  can you come to the point "

"yes  I am having a party and wanted to invite you, before you refuse its mandate we need to discuss some official accord issue , bring your friend's if you like and your girl friend, assuming you are still with the  brown princess"

'Is there more " 

"no see you Friday night " he said and left followed by his minions .

It was time for me to go to class which I had with Justin  seems like he is the first one to get the good news

"Cant you just refuse  ?"Justin asked 

"I wish but if he need to discuss about accord I have to go "

"Sucks for you  bro "he said smiling 

"sucks for us , you are coming with me " P said smiling back 

"why "

"because you are my friend Bro" I said  emphasizing on bro "don't  worry Jonas, Tyler . G and Anna will be there for company '

 I do have to give the good news to them , I don't know why but I don't have a good felling about it. well its Rays party so makes sense . Lets see what the week entails .  I need to have talk with Kate also but will do it   during weekend and this time she will have to listen even if I have to tie her up to make her listen. 

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