3. The Accord

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Kate's POV

"Come on G, you know studying at the last minute would just make you nervous" I snatched the book from my best friends hand

"It was just revision Kate, not everybody is a born genius like you."
Geeta rolled her eyes and said. She was overly stressed about the maths exam

"Well the bell has already gone ,you are prepared trust me. A born genius tutored you after aall, ust be calm and focus. You got it "I said returning her the book

She gave me a smile and we went to the classroom for giving the test
(It was the last day of exams, I was just happy to think in a week I will become a senior and in a year I could say goodbye to this high school and start a new life away from the Carter's)

When I move in with the Carter's .I knew it's not gona he easy living with them I don't know but for some reason they hated me .Mom never talked about them much either I mean I always knew that I have an aunt ,uncle and a cousin but they never came to visit us and suddenly mom dies and my life changes .I have to leave all my friends and move all the way here with these strangers.

I thought that school would be like a safe heaven but again I could not be more wrong . I mean I like school, my classes ,robotic club,spending time at library but Westwood high school is hell unless you are in football team, chearleading squad or drama club

These 3 club have a accord which Harry (captain of the football team), Emily (head cheerleader) and Ray &Vicky (the twins and the co president of drama society )came up with.

So basically they divide the entire school into 4 group football player's, cheerleaders ,theatre  club members and targets(which comprises of all the others) .

According to the accord none of the group are allowed to bully a member of the 3 elite group or someone who is related to them their siblings girlfriend's. and no group interfere if one group is bullying the targets

Yeah stupid I know ,but does it works. YES,everyone knows about it .when somebody is being bullied people just stand their and watch. Teachers are offcourse unaware of this but they never do anything about ragging , bullying complains ,even if they know.

The football team never actually bullies anyone unless someone insult any one of them ,same goes with the chearleading squad but the twins and there followers are devils if you ever by mistake run into them in the corridor then you are dead. RIP.
There had been complains about them but the twins parents are one of the most prominent trustees of the school so they get away with, no punishment nothing.

The only way to be safe from it is being invisible ,which fortunately I am gifted with so I have been quite safe till now and hopefully I will make it out of high school in one piece

I am no better than the other , part of a crowd I also just stand their and watch when someone is being bullied. I know that you guys must be thinking what a coward but I pefer to be a coward and survive ,rather than being brave and suffer.

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