10- Not ideal parents

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Kate's P.O.V

It was already 6. I started getting ready to go to the club. I put on a knee length blue dress. And black heels. I thought it was decent enough for a dinner. I tied my hair neatly into a pony . Applied some lip gloss and that was it.

"Let's go slave" Harry yelled from downstairs

We got into his car ,and he drove toward the club

At the club

It was the first time I visited the club. The ambiance was beautiful and was certainly expensive. Like if you need to check the price, before ordering. This is not the place for you.

We saw Uncle Damien and Aunt Lily sitting at a table next to the window, we went over there . A waiter pulled the chair out for me which let me tell you ,made me feel very uncomfortable I was not used to it. He gave each of us a menu and left.

"Dad, what do you want to talk about" Harry asked

"Let's order the food first and then we can talk"

I was clueless about what to order, It was a Mexican restaurant and I haven't even herd the name of half of the dishes in the menu. A few minutes later, the waiter came to take the order.

After everyone else ordered , I decided to order chicken enchiladas. I have no idea what it was ,but Harry ordered the same, so I thought it would be good.

"No Kate, you need to watch your weight , actually she will have a ceaser salad. " Aunt Lily said looking at the waiter

"Okay" The waiter looked at me with pity and left.

I didn't said anything. I fail to understand her need of insulting me. I wasn't overweight ,my weight was totally normal.

After a few minutes the waiter came back with our food items. All of them looked deliciois ,except the ceaser salad, it was depressing ,it look like a bowl of leaves. I would have so enjoyed being at home and eating noodles, instead here I am at an expensive restaurant ,having a leafy salad. It was like a punishment food, especially when their was mouth watering delicious food all around me.

" Son you know our company has established a new branch at Japan, right"Uncle Damien said looking at Harry

"Yeah"he said sounding not at all intrested

"Well me and your mom need to go to Japan to supervise it. We would be leaving tomorrow night"

"Okay. When will you be back" Harry asked looking at Uncle Damien

"We will be back in a month"

"A month, You guys would not be here for my birthday ?" He asked in a sad voice

"Son, you need to understand work come first, birthdays come every year"

"I would not turn 17 every year dad, can't you postpone for 2 weeks"

"Honey if we could ,we would have done it, but I have told your father to tripple your pocket money for this month, you should throw a grand party for all your friends, and buy anything you want "Aunt Lily said

" Oh yes absolutely "Uncle Damien said with a smile

" Thank you" Harry said . He was clearly sad and disappointed

To be honest. I feel bad for him. Damien and Lily are not ideal parents, they are no way near. They do buy Harry everything he want, but are never really their for him.They give more importance to their buisnesss, than their son. It's not the first time something like this has happened they hardly ever visit his games.

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