31- Deal

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Harry's P. O. V

" I will be home, a bit late today" Kate announced

" Would you be hanging at the janitor's closet again "

" No, I have detention"

" Detention, you. " I asked raising a brow. She never gets detention. She is kind of a goody two shoes

" Yup"

"Great,have fun" I said with a small laugh


" Tyler would you stop wining like a little girl just because, we din't tell you Harry and G were dating" Jonas said to Tyler, who was literally being a drama queen

" Yeah dude, don't be mad at us be mad at him, he was the one who don't want anyone to know " Justin chuckled, pointing at me

" Thanks, you are a great friend "I replied sarcastically to Justin

" Great friend, don't keep secrets" Tyler taunted

" G doesn't want anyone to know before ,her best friend " I said ,throwing G under the bus, only because she could survive it

" Kate? " He asked frowning

I nodded

"Fine, I forgive you"

" Thank you " I said grinning and shaking my head at his kiddish behaviour

Tyler is one of a kind. He is 17 but behave like a 5 year old pampered baby, but he is also an amazing friend.

" You are so lucky, I am the manager of the football team. Since game seasons are starting this Saturday. Tomorrow is the big pre victory party" He announced being his own cheerful self again

"Pre victory party" Justin querried

" It's a ritual, before the season begins. We have this pre victory party at the beach" Jonas informed

" Sounds cool"

" It is super cool but, you know it would be cooler if you invite ,the mystery girl" Tyler said teasingly

"I don't think so"Justin said

" Why not " Jonas asked

" Well she has a mystery guy "

" You mean she is dating someone " I asked unbelivingly

" That's what she said" Justin said with a sour expression

" Well unless she is married, she is fair game" Tyler replied

" Dude, I have a girlfriend and we are not married but doesn't mean others get to flirt with her" I stated

" It's different "

" Well you should invite her anyway. I mean she is still your friend" Jonas suggested

" Don't listen to Jonas, don't settle for friends, being friends suck "Tyler rebuked

" I don't think you will be okay ,after you know her identity"Justin said hesitatingly

" we are cool with whoever she is. You are happy then we are too"Jonas assured

" Well her name is Kate Aryn" He muttered in a small voice

" Oh She is hot ,dude .Katharine Roe is in my eco class " Tyler said

" No Ty it's not Katharine. It's Kate Aryn . Aryn is her middle name " I explained

" Kate ,like Geeta's friend, Kate? " Jonas inquired

" Yeah it's her,Kate Aryn Davis" Justin declared

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