27- Long night

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Kate's P. O.V

" Where the hell do you think, you are going ?" Harry asked angrily, following me up the stairs.

I didn't answered. I don't wanna talk to him . I rushed straight to my room.

" Are you deaf" He  yelled coming after me

" Even a deaf person can hear you barking ,but if I don't answer then it means I am avoiding you, take a hint" I yelled back

"Really you have some guts to come up with sarcasm right now"

" After the stunt you just pulled you are lucky I am just using sarcasm and ,not a knife"

" Knife huh. What would you do with that stab me in the heart". He said casually sitting at my bed as if he owns the place

" No I wanna kill you , so anywere else but the heart because you clearly don't have one"

" Oh does it, hurt your feeling. The car stunt make you angry.what you did made me angry too. "

" There is a difference, I could have died, you could have died. We were saved by an inch it was a lucky save,you moron ,that not everyone gets. It isn't a joke .It was a punishment,you deliberately did it to hurt me"

" You did not died, did you, so stop being so melodramatic"

" You don't get it " I said ,shaking my head in disbelief.( I am melodramatic, well considering a accident 4 years ago changed my whole life and has turned it into a drama. I deserve to be melodramatic. )

" Your being angry doesn't justify it a bit. Just leave me alone and get the hell out of my room "I yelled

" Oh I have no intrest in being here, and I will leave .as soon as you give me an explanation"

" What do you wanna know"

" Were do I began . A, You didn't told me you and my girlfriend, Geeta are friends and the fact you are going out with her today. So you lied.B,you kissed Justin and you are totally giving him signal that you are into him but you know you aren't allowed to date which brings me to C, Double date,I dont  remember giving you permission going on a date. You said you could explain. So Explain" He lamented

" Oh I am sorry that unlike you thought, I actually have a life, that's my explanation " I snapped

" You don't have a life, from the moment you came here you try to ruin everyone's life. "

" I am ruining your life. How exactly do I do that . Do I make your life a bit more comfortable by being your slave"

" Nobody wanted you here. You know what, you should have died along with your mom in that fucking accident " He said

I always knew it that he hates me ,but I didn't knew he hated me so much that he wish I was  dead. I could not control my tears anymore. I truly tried but ,they would not stop

" You dont think I wish the same, every day of my life I think about it, playing every possible scenario in my mind. What if she din't drived that day, what if she survived and what if I died along with her. A million of what ifs. Every night I sleep and hope that when I wake up ,I will realize it was a nightmare ,and my mom would still be alive but it never does. I wake up and still she is dead and that nightmare is not a dream but the reality of my life" I sobbed

" I am sorry that me being alive somehow ruins your life" I continued

" Kate, -"

" Please go Harry. It's a long night. I cant do this right now. I beg you please leave "I said cutting him off.

He din't said anything, he left the room slamming the door behind him. I sat at the floor resting my back to my bed bringing my legs closer to my chest, for comfort .

My eyes fixed at the photo frame  kept at my side table. Mom took that picture of us on my 13 birthday she has to retake the picture several times because every time I will laugh and ruin the picture. I haven't been that happy ever again.

Maybe Harry is right.  I should have died along with mom. Nobody cares if I live or die anyway, what's the point. I dint know how but while rethinking this over and over and crying my eyes out somewere I fell asleep

Harry's P.O.V

"Nobody wanted you here. You know what,  you should have died along with your mom in that fucking accident "I regretted it as soon the words left my mouth, by the time I could take it back it was too late the damage was done she was hurt, there were tears in her eyes.

My actions and words of the entire night were clouded with rage. I didn't meant it. I don't think she should have died. I was just angry

Not even in my dream ,I could have thought G's best friend would be Kate or that Kate would be Justin's mystery girl. What's next she is somehow connected to Tyler and Jonas too. It's pretty messed up

This has to end whatever sort of relation Kate has with G and Justin has to end. She shouldn't be friends with these people on the first place she knows G is a cheerleader and Justin's a athlete. I don't go and make friends with her kind of people. The nerds and geeks.

It is a long night indeed.

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