6. Emily's Farewell party

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Kate's P.O.V

I wake up in the morning and saw 20 missed calls on my phone by Geeta.
Shit it must be something important I was gona call her but then, I remember it's only 5 and no normal person wakes up at 5a.m on a holiday .

So with the thought of calling her later, I went for a run. I needed it it's the only thing that helps me to take my mind off things ,it's like I am running away from my problems.

After the run I returned and started preparing breakfast by the time I end it was 7 . I called Geeta, who picked my call immediately

"Hey "

"Kat I am gona kill you" . She replied

"Well good morning to you too"

"I called you atleast 100 times last night. Why didn't you pick up. What if I was dying"

"Well you are not dead and It was not 100 it was just 20"

"Patato potato, well you will not belive the news I am going to give you"

"Please tell me it's a good news"

"It is I am going to be the head cheerleader, officially this Saturday. Emily is leaving to Paris and his boyfriend is throwing her this farewell party in which she will give me the batch. She called me yesterday and I called you immediately after that but you didn't answered"

(Shit offcourse G is a cheerleader she would be at the party I never thought of that before. Oh god what excuse could I possibly give her that she will belive)

"Kat are you there"

"Yes I am I am. I am super happy for you"

"I want you to come to this party Kate. No excuses. I want you there it's really big for me"

"G, I would be at the party "

"Seriously ,you agreed ,you are not going to give me excuses of not coming? "she asked with suspicion

"No ,but I am working at the party"

"What do you mean? "

"I thought of taking this internship at a event management company so they want me to cater at the party"

"No way Kat ,people that we go to school will be there and since when do you wanted to become a waitress"

"It's just a internship G and I highly doubt anyone knows me there. Targets like me are not invited to parties not the kind of one ,who are like me atleast ,nerds. It would be okay"

"I highly doubt that "

"Ok bye gotta go I will see you at the party"

"Kat lis-"

Before she could say anything else I cut the call.

I avoided her calls and meassages as much as I can .I can't tell her , doesn't matter how much I want to. I know I can trust her with my secret but I don't want anything to change between us. I don't want her to look at me with sympathy. Being with her is the only time when I feel as a normal teenager and I want it to be like that


Time passed and here comes the day I dreded the most Saturday, I just wish I could disappear or the world could end .

I was awaken to reality from my thoughts by no other than the devil.

"I am going to meet Emily. You Go to Tyler's place at 6 and talk to Anna . Do exactly what she tell you". Harry said

"I don't know were Tyler lives and what about Aunt Lily"  . I said

"I have texted you Tyler's adress and I have already told Mom that you are working at the party. "

"Okay I will be there". I said

"And don't you dare. "

"I know I will not say anyone that you are my cousin". I interupted him

He didn't said anything and just left


I reached at Tyler's place and rang the bell.

A guy opened the door.

"Hi! I am Kate.Harry sent me for the party. "I said.

"She is here Ana. "He yelled

Coming a voice replied

"Oh good you are here come with me." Ana said and handed me a dress and said change and meet me at the pool side . You can change there she pointed to the room on the left.

The dress was quite plain a knee length black skirt. White shirt a black vest with a black bow

I changed and went to the pool side. I was shocked to see the place the decoration was so very beautiful. It was not a normal high school party the decoration look like ,were done by a professional

There were bright lights everywhere. A photo booth at the right side. A bar in the left. The food was also not just the usual party food pizza's and snacks .There was a catering team setting up an elaborate food counter

Now I know why he said he was short on budget

"Kate you just have to handle the bar. We have a bar tender you  have to just take drinks from the bar and  serve . Make sure everyone has a drink  at all time'


"Good The guest would be arriving shortly. I am going to change. I would be back in half an hour if you have any other query just ask Tyler"

"Who is Tyler ? "I asked

"I am." The guy who opened the door said. "I am quite popular how come, you don't know me"

"That's because you are not. You are not even in the football team. You are just the equipment manager." Ana said

"Which is a very important job. I have seen you a few times with Geeta. Is she single?   "he asked me

"You have no chance with G anyway stop pastering Kate ,she has a real job unlike you. "Ana said

"Okay fine. Are you single Ana?" He said smerking at her

Ana gave him a glare and left

"Sorry she is just jealous. I am a lady killer. Ladies love me. You know"

"Yeah I know. "I gave him a smile

He smiled back.

The guy was cheeky,had a child like innocence
I liked him

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