15 | cafunè

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mentions of abuse.

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C A F U N È (n.)

running your fingers through
the hair of someone you love

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sunwoo drove up to the entrance and entered the passcode that made the gate slowly open wide enough for his car to get through and drove up the hill, parking it in front of the main walkway up to the cottage.

"holy fucking shit are you sure this is the right place sunwoo?"

that's all that left soyeons mouth.

it was that impressive.

it looked like the type of shit cottage fairies would dwell in.

sunwoo chuckled at the girls reaction and responded nodding "yes this is where sangyeon lives, now do you want to go inside or are you just going to keep staring at it like a dumbass"

soyeon snapped her face towards the boy, turning red from embarrassment and slowly started walking towards the front door, staring at the all the nature and flowers surrounding the structure and up the steps.

"you don't have to knock, just walk in. the door should already be unlocked"

"wait wh-"

"they know you're coming, expect some sort of hug from jacob he thought you died."

soyeon opened the door, quietly entering the main area of the house, spotting nearly everyone sitting on the couch talking comfortably and all went silent when they heard us loudly say hello.

immediate regret is what rushed onto soyeons face.

jacob jumped up and hugged the girl tightly as they all started yelling and screaming, most she believed to be along the lines of "oh my god you're finally here" "and where the hell were you guys we thought you died"

"we took a small detour on the way home" soyeon said while taking her shoes off while everyone just stared.

"detour? where to?" chanhee came up to the pair, arms crossed like he was going to scold them.

"none of your nosy ass business chanheehaw" sunwoo said, flicking the blonde haired boys forehead hard enough to make him wince.

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