48 | photosynthesis

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you became a reflection that shines the most brilliant and beautiful,
lighting up my world

[Photosynthesis - Sunwoo]

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"god i cant stop thinking about this i think it's going to consume me."

soyeon couldn't sleep.

her brain was going a thousand miles an hour thinking of scenarios that could happen later when sunwoo will inevitably confront her about it, as well as what could've happened if she wasn't such an idiot and double checked who she was talking to.

"what if he actually doesn't like me, and they have all been lying to me this whole time?" she said to herself, laying on her back.

soyeon quickly sat up, staring straight at the wall,"no, theres no way, they would never do that to me, but how can i even be sure he really does?"

the girls phone started to vibrate loudly on the side table, making it fall off onto the floor.

soyeon reached down and grabbed it, looking at the notification.


"oh god is this even a good idea?"

soyeon sat on the edge of her bed and stared at her phone screen, tapping at the side of it i  contemplation before finally making a decision.

"well it's not like this situation can get any worse so i might as well"

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