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R E D A M A N C Y (n.)

the act of loving the one who loves you;
a love returned in full.

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"hey changmin!" heejin yelled at the boy as jaehyun helped her into her wheelchair and pushed her up the ramp to haknyeons door, where the boy was waving at everyone.

"hey you're all finally here! how's that head heejin?" the boy asked, earning a big sarcastic thumbs up from the black haired girl.

"other than the fact it feels like it's going to explode because of this lovely headache that i've had for a couple hours, i feel gucci"

changmin smiled, opening the door for everyone,"well lucky for you, you have plenty of time to rest! everyone else is in the back gathering wood from the shed for the fire, they assumed you would all be pretty hungry when you got here."

soyeon stepped forward, holding people's bags in both arms,"do you know which rooms we are staying in, or do we get to choose?"

haknyeon slide open the glass porch door and walked in, grabbing one of the bags that jaehyun had just placed on the floor because his back was working overtime due to carrying most of his and heejins things,"you can all have a room to yourself, this house is literally massive. but my patience is low tonight, so much as make a stupid decision in this household, i'll castrate you.." he finished, glaring at heejin and jaehyun

"you wha-"

"with a spoon."

jaehyun put his hand on his chest,"oh you will not! is that even possible?"

"do you actually want an answer to that jaehyun?" kevin said.

chanhee tapped the boy on the shoulder,"well you won't even have to find out if you stay sober tonight. you almost puked on soyeon last time before sunwoo shoved a garbage bag over your face"

"i won't be drinking tonight anyway remember? i'm taking care of heejin" looking at the girl who smiled.

"why do you think i'm going to be a problem tonight? you've never seen me drunk, plus i can't drink until the open wound on my head isn't giving me continuous headaches."

kevin rolled his eyes,"you're already a handful when you're sober, i can just imagine that you're worse when you're drinking like it's your last day to listen to paint me naked by ten."

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