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cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get to...

[Close - Nick Jonas]

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everyone arrived at haknyeons apartment to start getting ready for soyeon and sunwoos arrival at the home in a couple hours.

and needless to say,

it was a mess.

streamers were everywhere.

like everywhere.

on the floor, in the couch,

literally every surface was covered in decorations.

after sangyeon finally took charge and assigned groups of 3 to do certain jobs such as pitching in to hang decorations and rehang all the streamers in the living room, as well as pick out what movies to watch throughout the night after the couple hours of skating.

"jaehyun sit your ass down and stop getting in my way so i don't accuse stab myself with a tack"

"but i want to help younghoon :("

"how the hell did you even say an emoticon out loud and go ask sangyeon what you can do i'm almost done anyway"

jaehyun huffed and turned himself towards sangyeon, who was hanging a birthday banner over the entrance of the room.


"yes jae what do you need"

"younghoon won't let me help him and i want to help"

"how about i give you my card so you can go get soyeons birthday cake from the corner store down the street?"

the boy smiled and nodded, holding onto sangyeons credit card and walked out the door.

"are we almost finished everyone?" jacob asked as he blew up another balloon with a helium tank, tied it, and let it float up to the ceiling.

"yes when is sunwoo and soyeon supposed to be back?"

"any minute now juyeon" eric said as he put up the last streamer, pinned it to the ceiling, and jumped off the stool he was standing on.

"sunwoo texted me and said they're on there way back but the traffic is terrible so we should just meet them at the ice skating arena" chanhee said as he typed a response and then shut off his phone and shoved it into his pocket.

"kevin can you text jaehyun and tell him to meet us downstairs so we can walk there together and set up a table."


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