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N A T S U K A S H I I (adj.)

a happy recollection of an event or memory in the past.

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"hey sunwoo?" juyeon sat up from the bed where he was watching sunwoo play video games on his laptop.

"what's up?" the boy paused his game and turned around.

"soyeon got in at about five this morning and she asked us to wake her up so we could go meet her mom"

"wake her up at what time?"

"about eleven"

"god do we have to? that's not enough sleep for her at all, can't we put it off until later?"

juyeon shook his head,"no, her mom is pretty strict about being on time. i'm sure she would make an exception this time but i don't want to get her in trouble just in case."

"ah okay, so what does this have to do with me pausing my game for you?" sunwoo said.

"well three people have tried to wake her up and she's not budging so we thought we would try you next"

"why me exactly"

"oh come on sunwoo we all know you want to do it"

"well yes but since when do i do anything you want me to do"

"because this is soyeon we are talking about and we all know you like her" juyeon gave a wide smile at sunwoo who in return rolled his eyes.

"is it really that obvious?" sunwoo turned around and exited out of his game and stood up to go put a shirt on.

"are you fucking kidding me it's so obvious just ask her out already, and grab her key to her room it's next to ours."

sunwoo rolled his eyes again and put a hoodie over his head,"i'm waiting for the perfect time so shut the fuck up and go ask out eric or something"

juyeon sat there stunned as sunwoo grabbed the keys to their own as well as soyeons and walked out the door.

sunwoo walked down the hallway and arrived in front of soyeons hotel room and stood there for a couple seconds.

"am i really just allowed to walk in? this feels wrong for some reason.."

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