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E C C E D E N T E S I A S T (n.)

someone who hides pain behind a smile.

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and with that, soyeon sprinted. she could feel all of the air go through her hair as she ran, head empty of every other thought that wasn't him.

sunwoo was one of the most important people in her life and she felt as if she was only holding onto him by a thread.

she could hear the sirens in the distance.

and that scared her even more.

she arrived at the front, no cop cars in sight yet. the front door was open ajar and she quietly opened it wider so she could walk in.

i could hear the others yelling and walked over to the others.

his father was holding a bat and standing over the boy, who seemed barely conscious and who's breathing was extremely unsteady holding his hand up as if to stop his dad from continuing the beating his father gave him.

"please stop hurting him! he didn't do anything to you!" sangyeon spoke loudly and was clearly very angry.

the man was obviously drunk and barely standing on his own two feet, "he is MY son, none of you are the boss of me i do what i want! he ran away from our family! he abandoned us! and for that he should be punished"

wonshik raised his hand again, as if he was going to hit sunwoo again. soyeon pushed everyone to the side and jumped on top of sunwoo and faced him, the impact from the bat he was holding hitting dead in the center of her back, making her cry out in pain.

soyeon collapsed from the impact, sunwoos eyes widened and slowly rolled the girl next to him and stood up slowly, holding his side in pain and faced the slurring man

"you may push me around and use me as your personal punching bag all you want, but you don't get to touch her" sunwoo spit out of anger.

"she got in my way. she's the reason women only belong in the kitchen doing simple things."

and with that, jacob walked over him, and socked him in the face, completely knocking the man on his ass.

"you don't get to speak of soyeon that way. go learn some fucking basic respect."

everyone was shocked to say the least.

nobody had ever actually heard jacob cuss at someone before.

"i'm allowed to say whatever i want about the whore, she's a worthless nothing just like you are sunwoo. what's so special about her anyway?"

everyone turned their attention out the window, the cop cars could be seen and heard arriving.

the cops came inside, and at this point everyone was watching the slurring man on the floor.

sunwoo stood over him and looking down at the man, and then over at soyeon and smiled,

"she's my angel."

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[@€€3PT] D3€Ł¡Ñ£

hello kim soyeon. we have
revealed kim wonshik's darkest
secrets and punished them for
their wrongdoings.

they will not be bothering you
ever again.

thank your for using and
trusting reveal hotline.

this user has disconnected.

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