40 | way back home

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finish your long journey and go back now, back to your house now
way back home

[Way Back Home - Shaun]

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"ayo soyeon wake the fuck up would you"

"sunwoo she doesn't wake easily you got to blast the music louder or something"

"yeah but if we do that then changmin will wake up and changmin will bite me"

"oh no he won't don't be a wuss jae"

"im not being a wuss heejin, im the closest to him, and i promise you that he will bite me and it hurts like a bitch"

"someone wake her up i can't do both driving and waking up a log"

"just risk it with the music i'll cover changmins ears"

sunwoo reached over and turned on way back home by shaun as loud as it would go without causing damage to the ears as soyeon immediately sat up and reached to turn down the music.

"what the hell is wrong with you??" soyeon huffed and put the blanket over her head in annoyance.

sunwoo chuckled, "sorry, i tried like four ways to wake you up and you didn't wake up"

"literally all you have to do is poke my face??"

"i did that but obviously not hard enough"


soyeon turned herself around to see changmin, who had obviously just been woken up by the loud music, with his jaw locked onto jaehyuns arm.


changmin temporarily let go, shaking his head and quickly bit back into jaehyuns arm, who tried desperately to escape his grasp.

"jesus changmin let him go it was an accident"

"no heejin it wasn't, you had to wake up soyeon somehow"

"then bite sunwoo then"

"no he knows better because i'll hurt him"

"wasn't it your idea to blare music heej-"

heejin reached over and smacked her hand over jaehyuns mouth, who licked in retaliation.

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