59 | equanimity

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E Q U A N I M I T Y (n.)

mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

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it was weird.

eric wouldn't speak to anyone still. he desperately wanted to, but he knew if he did both of their careers would be over and juyeon would be outed.

he couldn't let that happen to them.

they've done too much for him, it would feel like a blow to the face if he let it happen.

the boy was walking in the hall, surrounded by other students and faculty, and very aware that he was being watched.

he didn't know who it was, but he knew that the mysterious account was watching his every move as it always has been.

eric eyes layed on soyeon, who just happened to be walking by herself in the way to her next class, which they just so happened to have together.

and sadly, sit next to each other too.

eric was dreading it to say the least.

he desperately wanted to talk to her, but he didn't want to risk it. they were too important to him, so he kept repeating that over and over in his head.

the boy sat down and took out everything he needed for this class, facing himself towards the front of the classroom and just stared into the abyss of space.

soyeon threw her bag at the empty chair and slumped herself into the seat, quickly sitting back up and looking over at eric, who at this point was trying not to make eye contact with the girl.

she tried to get the boys attention, who in return pretended she didn't exist and was starting to have tears slightly brim his eyes.

he really missed his friends.

eric could hear the girl shuffling in her chair, pulling out something from her bag.

soyeon nudged him on the shoulder, which he ignored as much as he could until the girl full on stabbed him in the side with two of her fingers, making the boy yelp in pain.

"ouch what the fuck soyeon!" he said quietly, finally forcing eric to make eye contact with the girl.

"oh, so you do know how to use your mouth then. would you like to explain why you all of a sudden decided to get up and leave all of us behind?" soyeon said, facing herself towards the boy, who stared straight forward and tried to not get caught by whoever was threatening his friends.

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