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A N T E R I C (n.)

pertaining to revenge against a former lover or a lover who betrays.

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"hi sluts, whores, and boring straight people, welcome to the show of where stupid bullshit happens because the author is bored at 2am because they have covid and have nothing better to do." chanhee chanted in his best reporter voice, skipping on the sidewalk, avoiding all all of the cracks, all the way to the coffee shop with the rest of the group following behind him.

"why are you so happy chanhee, we are on the way to the coffee shop to confront an annoying infection that needs to be delt with for our sanity." laughed soyeon, holding her boyfriends hand in one hand, and jacobs in another. the boy seemed to be down due to all the trouble the girl he wanted to be the one for him.

"because i get to kick a bitch in the face, nobody hurts my eric like that" the boy mumbled, earning a continuous awe from juyeon, who was carrying the sleepy boy, who's arms were wrapped around his neck since he hadn't slept a lot due to the whole debacle, feeling like it was his fault that this all happened, even though the whole group reminded him continuously since he has been back.

jacob had a sullen look displayed on his face, dragging his feet on the concrete while loudly breathing in the crisp cold air of the evening, kicking rocks and small pebbles around when he got the chance, he regretted ever answering the girls text when they first met, bringing the whole group down and almost tearing them all apart. he felt solely responsible for causing this to happen.

soyeon noticed the look on the boys face, slightly tightening her grip on the boys hand, making him look up from staring at the pavement, staring into the girls starlike eyes,"what's wrong cobie?"

the boy sighed,"well it's just that this is all of my fault, none of this would've happened if i never introduced you all, or even started talking to her, never started liking her, never got blindsided by her beauty.."

kevin reached over and flicked the boy on the back of his head,"oh shut the hell up, we are all very well aware that none of this is your fault, that girl was the one who started this, it was bound to happen eventually, so don't feel bad. eric is aware more than everyone that this isn't your fault."

everyone smiled and nodded at kevin's statement, some running his fingers in his hair and patting his head as well in affection, finally plastering a smile onto the boys face where that frown used to be.

they all arrived at the cafe, immediately going to the center of the coffee house and pushing some tables together and adding a couple chairs so everyone could sit together, ordering a food and drinks for everyone, which ended up in a ferocious game of rock, paper, scissors, where changmin lost and reluctantly handed the waiter his card.

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