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N Ī P A N (v.)

to grow dark; to become darker as the light fades away.

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eric made his way through the lunch line, grabbing some food and heading straight towards a grass meadow located in a hidden area of the school near a door with cute cartoons on the walls with blue brick, waiting for most of the group who didn't have any classes and were free between periods show up there occasionally to eat, study, or just talk and make conversation with one another.

juyeon just happened to already be there waiting for the boy, he waved over the boy and sat next to him, sunwoo and kevin showing up a couple minutes later.

"two of you don't even go to school here anymore, why are you hanging with us instead of working?" eric said.

"well," juyeon started, scooting closer to eric,"i thought that while i was on my lunch break, i could come and have lunch with my baby while he was on his break. would you rather that i eat at my own job instead of being here with you?"

eric blushed brightly, covering his tomato coloured stained cheeks with his hands,"nevermind."

sunwoo chuckled while quietly watching the interaction between the two, digging into his food,"so then why are you here kevin?"

kevin shrugged,"i'm bored and don't have a life, so i have nothing better to do on a tuesday afternoon. is soyeon not coming?"

sunwoo shook his head,"no, she has a history class right now. she might join us tomorrow though."

everyone nodded in acknowledgment, eating in a comfortable silence until jacob finally showed up and sat down, flashing a massive beaming smile that didn't seem to leave him, even when juyeon threw a pea from erics plate at him.

"cobie, you look like you've eaten one of those cookies from that one harry potter movie that makes you fall in love with the person who made it or something like that." eric said, leaning his back against juyeons chest, which the boy obliged and put his arm around his shoulders.

juyeon nodded,"i think he was shot with cupid's arrow"

"someone's stealing his heart alright. literally look at him? i swear i've seen this in a movie somewhere." sunwoo said as he scooped another spoonful of food into his mouth.

jacob joyfully sighed,"you know that girl i was talking about earlier?"

eric cleared his throat,"the one that you said you don't want to catch feelings for?"

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