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H O D O N P H I L E (n.)

one who loves to travel.

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"do we finally get to call this hot girl summer"

"shut up heejin"

"no you shut up haknyeon"

"oh my god both of you shut the fuck up or you'll be staying home"

soyeon chuckled as she watched everyone bicker over stupid things as she helped
bring out the other bags and put them next to the cars, double checking to make sure that they weren't forgetting anything of importance.

"does everyone have their money with them?" soyeon yelled out as she mentally checked off another thing from her list.

"how much spending money do we really need for this trip soyeon"

"changmin just bring over however much you think you'll need"

"ugh how generic"

"if you run out of money don't worry i'll cover it"

"since when do you have money"

"do y'all even remember what she does for a living"

"she works at the bank right"

"shh i work at the bank"

"shut the fuck up all of you god damn"

"this is going to be my thirteenth reason"

soyeon mentally checked off everything on her list and also finished checking all the bags as everyone continued to argue loudly.

"okay everything we need is here, is everyone ready to go?"

"yeah, but there's one problem soyeon" younghoon said as the others bickering finally died down and started actually listening the two.

"and what would that be exactly"

"who's going in what car i think is the problem"

"have the haknyeon and sunwoo pick since they're the ones driving so we can just leave already"

sunwoo locked the door to sangyeons house and handed the keys to him, and stepped up from behind the rest of the group.

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