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A M B R O S I A L (adj.)

food of the gods.

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soyeon turned off her phone and set it down on her lap, thinking about what today's adventure had in store for her, because every day she spent with these boys just seemed to not be boring.

even though they hadn't all met all that long ago.

she pulled the blanket she shared haknyeon off herself and layed it over the still sleeping boy.

they were still somehow all asleep even though they have been sleeping since her birthday.

yes they literally slept their life away.

it's the 26th.

well almost everyone was asleep.

eric was already awake and in the kitchen getting ingredients together to make everyone some waffles and pancakes.

everyone barely ever agrees on food.

but if they could agree on anything, it was erics pancakes.

"hey princess is anyone awake yet?"

"no just us."

"cool. also, i can't believe we completely slept through yesterday" eric said as he flipped over a pancake in the pan

"yeah but we are all exhausted when we got home. by the way thank you for planning this, it does mean a lot"

"it wasn't just me who planned this babe, almost everyone chipped in to make today special. and by anyone, i really just mean sunwoo"


"yeah he planned most of it before he even brought us in the help"

"wow i'll have to thank him later, by the way, my friend is going to be coming to chanhees surprise party that really isn't a surprise party."

"friend? i thought we were your only friends... are you cheating on us???"

soyeon chuckled, grabbing a couple plates and glasses out of the cupboard and arranging them on the table and counter, "no i made a new friend that you will all like i promise"

"well what are they like?"

"she reminds me of you actually"

eric stopped concentrating on the food and turned to look at the girl who was still getting plates out for everyone "is she the girl from the skating rink?"

soyeon nodded "yeah how did you know?"

"she came up to me when you were skating with everyone else and was asking about us, i was the one who gave her your instagram and mine as well, she told me about her plan too"

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