Comfort Zone

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A/N: This chapter is not being illustrated, as I decided this wouldn't be presented on Instagram. You can skip it if you'd like to, or just read if you're curious!

This one is being written in two different perspectives: Emily's 💗 and Mia's 💜. They both have very different insights, so if you prefer one character's point of view over the other, you can pick that one's to read, or just read both!

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Emily's Point of View 💗

"Girl, we should apply for jobs at the same school after we get our degrees!" I overheard Mia suggesting to Sarah.

My grip on my pencil tightened so harshly that it snapped. Calvin glanced at me, then at Mia, then back at me questioningly.

"Yeah, I can send all my injured students to you!" Sarah replied, her voice holding the same excitement as it usually did when we talked about vacation plans together.

I was going to apply to be the school nurse at whatever school Sarah was going to work at because I had to make sure she'd be okay! I knew a few schools allowed more than one nurse, but there was practically no chance that there'd be two positions open at once.

The only dang stupid reason I had chosen a health major was to make sure I'd be in Sarah's major and end up in the same place in case she needed me. She's always needed me, and I wasn't ditching her in the future.

If Mia took my spot, I wouldn't be able to be there for my sister when we started working. Not to mention, I would be in this major for nothing.

I couldn't let it happen. Maybe I could talk to Sarah?

"I have to talk to Sarah after this," I muttered to Calvin.

"About what?" He asked, completely and utterly clueless.

Mia glanced at us, having heard how loudly my boyfriend replied.

"Sister stuff," I said with a shrug, pretending to be nonchalant as I got up, "I need to grab... cucumbers from the store. Let's go."

Calvin followed me, having no clue whatsoever. I felt Sarah look at me, but I didn't make eye contact as I left with my boyfriend.

"She's trying to steal my sister," I growled as soon as we stepped into the elevator, "Mia just happens to want to be a school nurse too, and at the same school Sarah would work at! I honestly doubt schools would hire more than one nurse at a time, and there's no way I'd want to work with her the entire time anyway! How am I supposed to make sure Sarah's okay if she's taking my spot?!"

"Em, she's going to be okay. You know she's a strong girl," Calvin reassured me.

"She can't even order her own coffee, Calvin!" I dropped my face into my hands, "Mia tried to make her, but she almost burst into tears at the counter! She pushes her too hard, and I— the way she looked at me so afraid, it was too much. And yet, Sarah thinks the world of her!"

Calvin hugged me, "You're still her twin sister. That will never change. You have plenty of friends and who did you choose as a roommate?"

"Sarah obviously, but-" I considered.

"She'd choose you in a heartbeat too. Don't worry. And hey, Mia might be pushing Sarah out of her comfort zone socially, but it'll only improve her in the long run. Plus you're her comfort zone, so she can always come back to you and feel okay again. Sarah will always have you."

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Mia's Point of View 💜

"Girl, we should apply for jobs at the same school after we get our degrees!" I suggested to my new best friend.

Hanging out with Sarah was always really fun, at least when her melodramatic twin sister wasn't freaking out about something or snapping at someone.

She was sitting behind us when I made the suggestion, and I knew from a burning feeling behind me that she wasn't exactly pleased to hear that. The girl was insanely overprotective and theatrical when she wanted to be. She started drama everywhere.

Calvin glanced at me, then back at her as I heard the pencil snap.

She didn't have to snap an actual pencil, but of course, she loved making a statement.

"Yeah, I can send all my injured students to you!" Sarah excitedly replied, looking up from the book we were studying.

She was planning to be a health or physical education teacher for high school, and I was planning to be a school nurse.

Being that our career choices started out with the same major, we actually met at the orientation for that! Striking up a conversation with her after bugging the girl with half a million questions about the orientation was a great idea, because I realized she was also crazy about soccer.

It was silly, but I never had a lot of female friends growing up. I did have Quinn, my cousin, but she was more into makeup and shopping for fashion and also had lived all the way in Oregon most of the time. Getting to know Sarah and having the chance to become friends with a girl who could really understand me was something I always yearned for. I finally got it!

The only issue was that Sarah had an overprotective twin sister who decided shortly after we met that she would become a health major as well. She would not let my friend branch out of anything. Sarah was so shy already, and Emily wouldn't give her any opportunities to even attempt making social contact to the extent that Sarah almost cried trying to order coffee.

Did she want her to be dependent forever?

"About what?" Calvin asked aloud, his volume awkwardly out of place with Emily's.

I did not even know what she was saying, but from the way she narrowed her eyes at him then looked over me with disgust, I could tell she had a problem with me.

"Sister stuff," Emily kept her eyes narrowed as she shrugged, tossing her hair over her shoulder, "I need to grab... cucumbers from the store. Let's go."

Sarah looked at her questioningly, but Emily didn't even spare her a glance. Instead, she rose an eyebrow, pointing to the door with her eyes for her boyfriend. Calvin followed her out.

"What was that about?" I asked Sarah, although I figured I already knew the answer.

She, on the other hand, seemed absolutely lost. "She's been acting so weird lately," Sarah told me, sighing, "I don't get it. She's fine most of the time, but then out of nowhere, she starts getting really snappy, I mean, she's always been sassy, but I don't get how she got so mean."

I knew Emily was actually just upset I was taking up a lot of the time slot she usually spent with her sister. Still, Sarah was my friend now. She actually had a friend! I was told she'd never had one before (that wasn't Emily's at least).

Maybe she wasn't comfortable with change? I didn't know, but I knew they were freaking identical twins. Emily got to hang out with her all the time. They could talk all night and all day. I was there a lot, but it wasn't like I was stealing her completely away or leaving her third-wheeled. A lot of the time, Calvin was also there. She should've been happy about that.

I wanted to tell Sarah all this. I hated lying so so much.

I didn't want to lose her though because I liked getting to hang out. I appreciated her presence, and getting to talk about anything and everything. We related on so many things, and if I told her that her sister was salty she was losing time with her, she'd just cut down on my time to accommodate that.

Emily would always be more important, and I didn't deny that. They were sisters.

I just hoped I wouldn't lose her either.

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Let me know if you're:
Team Emily 💗
Team Mia 💜

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