Trust Issues

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A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter is not illustrated, so you can decide whether or not you'd like to skip it! It's a bit long, but it follows the events of Calvin's embarrassing incident. 

By the way, this is still not the tragedy that is described in the summary of this book. That is coming up pretty soon, and I am nervous to draw it. It's already been written and scripted. 

Anyway, that is off-topic from this particular chapter, so I hope you like what you read if you choose to read it!

Love, Blue

* * *

Calvin's Point of View

"It really wasn't that funny, Sarah," I groaned, dropping my face into one of my hands as I did my best to conceal the horrific memories of last night's events that attempted to resurface in my brain.

"Mia thought it was! Emily, not so much. She cried herself to sleep," Sarah sighed, "As hilarious as it was, if you throw up on my sister again, I'll punch you."

I choked. An ache erupted from my chest, lurching my stomach.

Emily cried?! I thought she'd seemed fine after she washed up. I was not good at reading her, apparently.

I had to make it up to her somehow.

"Sarah Roses, is that you?" A strident voice ruptured from behind us.

I watched Sarah's eyes widen excitedly as she practically jumped and spun to meet the guy it came from. "Nick?!"

A tall guy with dirty blonde hair appeared, carrying a bulky messenger bag. I glanced at Sarah, who was smiling like crazy.

"Hey! I'm just visiting my younger brother for the weekend, but I thought I'd seen you two," he chuckled, "So how have you been?"

"Oh, the usual," she grumbled, "Same ol' things."

"Really? Nothing's changed with you two. Where's your lovely twin sister, by the way?"

Before I could stop myself, the words rolled off my tongue in the nastiest tone, "My girlfriend, Emily, is in class, Buddy Boy."

Sarah flashed me the second most irritated glare I'd ever received from her, and resumed her conversation, "Emily's getting out of class in a few minutes. Anyway, that's Calvin."

Was this another ex-boyfriend of hers? I was not losing her again to some creep who corners her into a kiss. Brandon already did that, and I was not hoping for a repeat of that situation.

What if seeing him brought up old feelings again for her, and she chose him? I imagined he never threw up on her, or made her cry.

* * *

"Cal! Guess what? Guess what your favorite blonde girl did today?" Emily ran out of her class to greet me, excitedly stabbing her elbow into my side.

Before Nick could find her, I grabbed her hand to lead her out of the building. I was sure Sarah had told him where her class was so they could reunite, so I wasn't taking any chances.

"What would that be?" I tried my best to make my voice match her energy, but the nerves just made it go flatter than usual.

"I participated-- What's up with you?" Emily questioned, following me anyway.

"Just... I heard what Sarah said," I told a half-truth. "I want to make it up to you because I know you were so upset and I didn't even notice-"

"CAL-vin," she yanked me back to stop walking. Tensely, I stopped, but looked around to make sure the area was clear.

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