~Chapter 17~

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I start to see things moving across the cave walls. We walk for what seems like hours. I know it's only been a few minutes but my antisipation to make sure Bay is okay is growing with each step. With Peter guarding him there's no telling how hard it's going to be to get him out of here. Peter is thorough. He is going to try to break us in the process of freeing Bay. The only way to beat him is to out smart him.

Slightly shoves an arm in front of me making me come to a halt.

"What are you--" I start.

"There's Bay."

I turn my gaze to the large stone room. The cliff goes straight down for miles and miles. In the middle of the hole a small piece of stone is supporting a cage and inside is Bay.

"Do you have any rope?" I question.

"You're not being serious are you?"

"Uh yeah. If you have a rope I could climb up and tie it off up there then I could swing across and get Bay out."

"Absolutely not. I told you this Cave is magic you can't go breaking the rules.!"

"How can I break the rules if I don't even know what they are.?!"

"Secrets, Wendy, secrets.! You tell a secret and a bridge is made. If you break the rules I don't know what would happen."

"You go first.

"Hhhh. When I was younger I snuck out of my house and met up with some guys from my school then we went and smashed a woman's car." As soon as the words were out stones started forming a half bridge.

"Go ahead say another one." I mumble.

"It doesn't work that way. One secret per person."

"Ugh fine. How about I broke my mom's vase and hid it under my brothers bed so she'd think he did it." Nothing happened.

Slightly laughed.

"You call that a secret.?"

"Yeah I never told anyone that before," I half whisper.

"To make the bridge appear you have to dig deep. You have to admit the kind of thing that could hurt you forever. Something you're ashamed of."

I know exactly what he wants to hear. I suck in a deep breath and prepare myself to tell my secret.

|||||| Authors note |||||||

Sorry for the short chapters I'm going to make longer ones in the near future.

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