~Chapter One~

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He came to me in my dreams again, at least I suppose they're dreams. His emerald green eyes pierce the darkness as I divuldge my secrets to him. he understand me unlike anyone in my reality.

He tells me of the land he comes from. The mermaids that swim in the waters, the pirates that sail the oceans, and the magic that fills the air.

Finally, he asked me to escape my world, "Wendy, would you like to come away with me.?"

I thought he would never ask, "Yes," I told him.

"you should know, once you leave there is no comming back. Ever."

"Why would I want to.?" I asked truthfully. although I couldn't see his face which was always consealed in the shadows, I felt a darkness wrap around me as the figure smiled.

The figures emerald green eyes slowly turned a darker shade causeing me to shiver. I opened my eyes with a gasp. Maybe it was just a dream. I look around at my room which hasn't changed.

I rub my head trying to ease the ache. I stood from my white bead spread and my light brown teady bear to go get a drink. I know that a 14 year old girl should have grown out of childish things, but I feel the only thing childish is giving up on something that gives you a sense of security.

I pull a glass down from the cabnit and fill it with water. I start walking back to my room but a voice stops me, "you'll be the salvation of Neverland."

I shake the voice away. It's just a dream hanging over me.

Once I reach my room I feel a light breeze against my skin. I look to find my window open. sudden fear races through me, I run to my window and stick my head out searching for any sign of life.

A strong force pushes me out the window and lifts me up to the air. my breath gets caught in my throat as I picture myself falling hundreds of feet onto the cement below.

I grip on tighter to the figure carrying me.

"Where are you taking me.?" I demand. A part of me hoped the figure wouldn't answer, but it did.

in a dark raspy voice he spoke, " I'm taking you to my master. He's waiting for you."

I shiver not certain if it's from the wind or the figures voice. Soon we're diving down to an island. I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact.

to my suprise I landed lightly on my feet and I opened my eyes to take in my surroundings. the island appeared to be large, with numerous trees, and roaring, crashing waters all around.

I looked back to the figure who hovered next to me. He spoke a last few words of parting before disapearing into the darkness.

"Welcome to Neverland, Wendy."

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