~Chapter Seven~

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The fire seems dimmer with the absence of Peter. The boys dance around mindlessly paying Bay and I no attention.

Bay motioned me for me to follow him. just past the edge of the fire light there were blankets set up making beds. further back there was a tent which Bay was gesturing for me to enter.

I stopped at the entrance.

"Good night, Wendy," Bay says.

"Goodnight, Bay."

I take a deep breath to steady my shaking hands, and enter the tent. The tent is much larger than it appears on the outside, there is a bed to the left, a desk to the right with a stool, and it's dimly lit with candle light. but the most eye catching of all is the young boy standing in the center of the tent. Peter.

"come, sit." Peter commands. I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"I heard your little conversation with Bale Fire in the woods."

My heart pounds so hard against my chest I fear it might give out at any moment.

"is there something wrong with my conversation.?" I ask timidly.

"Only the part where you think you have availability to tell him any of what you said," Peter walks around the tent. "You know all too well that his parents don't care for him, nor do yours."

"My family loves me.!" I shout.

"Your family makes you feel out of place. they make you feel alone. they're not there for you when the darkness comes, the run away and hide when the beasts come out. They leave you, Wendy. When you're in your room looking out the window at the stars, you're looking at me. when you're crying because you're screaming and no one can hear you, you're crying to me. Yes, Wendy, I see you in the darkness because I'm in the darkness too."

"Shut up.! You're trying to get in my head and it's not working so shut up.!" I shout at him.

"I'm already in your head. you let me in a long time ago. Rember when you cried yourself to sleep.? I was in your dreams I made it better. Just face it you've always been alone, it's what your good at."

"My family would never leave me." I clench the sides of the bed to keep from screaming.

"Oh really.? Where are they right now.? hmm asleep in their beds giving no thought to their only daughter. What about your brothers.? Oh they've always fit in your family, they've always been understood. They don't know what it's like to be different. You fit in so well here because you are different. You fit in so well here because you are a lost girl. Imagination goes crazy in Neverland, and trust me flower, yours is beautiful."Peter held a smug smirk, standing directly in front of me.

"They've never left me alone," I state.

"C'mon flower, tell me what you are."

"I'm Wendy."

"and," Peter demands.

"I have a family who loves me."

Peter slams his hands down on the bed next to me causing me to jump.

"Admit it.! You're a lost girl, just say it.! " Peter snarls in my face.

"I can't admit something that isn't true." I snap.

Peter leans back only to grab my hair yanking me up ward. I remain silent, not letting him get the benefit. My lack of emotion gives me a slap to the face and slammed on the ground. Peter leans down and whispers in my ear gently, "Just tell me what you are, and it'll stop."

I bite my tongue to keep from saying anything. Peter grabs my hair and slams my head against the ground.

"So stubborn. Why won't you just say it.?" Peter snarls irritated.

"Because I'm not one of your lost boys that you can manipulate, I'm the Believer. and I believe that my family loves me." I snap back at him.

Peter laughs at my response.

"No you don't."

"Excuse me.?" I ask.

"if you truly believed your family loves you, you wouldn't be here." Peter stands up leaving me on the ground. He looks down at my expression and smiles. "You'll admit it soon enough, no matter how much you deny it, you know it's true."

I stand up and rub the side of my head. Peter continues to pace.

"What makes you think that.?" I question.

"Because, Flower, I am never wrong."

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