~Chapter Four~

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Leaving the warmth of the fire suddenly makes my body feel cold. My eyes see nothing but darkness.

I come to a halt at a cove. The water doesn't look as it should. it's shimmering in the moonlight with light fog floating from its surface.

I bend down to touch the mesmerizing waters. it's cold. as soon as my fingers graze the surface a pair of pale blue eye bob from the water. I freeze in place. the eyes are only a few feet in front of me attached to what looks like a green tail. There's no way this thing could be a mermaid. She smiles softly.

the tail flipped in the water causing me to jump. A scaley hand slowly reaches out to grab mine. I continue to stare into her eyes. I feel like I can see the bottom of the ocean inside them.

she dips my hand further into the water until my whole arm is consumed in its depths. she inches me into the cove and grabs both my arms. The mermaid jerked me into the water I caught a breath just as my head went under followed by the rest of my body.

I struggle against her but between the lack of oxygen and her strength I don't succeed in anything except making her swim deeper. a harsh screaming noise rings in my ears. they feel as if they could be bleeding. of course I wouldn't know the difference given the temperature of the water is making my body go numb.

it's an exilerating feeling, going so fast in the water, yet knowing that I'm dieing at the same time. water floods in my lungs.

the last thing I see is sandy brown hair before my eyes close in what I believe to be a permanent sleep.

"C'mon," a familiar voice mumbles. there's a pressure of my chest that's almost uncomfortable.

water bubbles from my throat as I cough. my eyes flutter open. holding me in his arms Peter sits with me, staring at me with almost a panicked expression.

"What were you thinking.!?!" Peter shouts at me.

The soreness of my throat kept me from speaking.

"i should punish you, you know," Peter says merciless.

"Punish me for almost drowning.? oh yeah real noble," I snap.

"I'm not about nobility," Peter whispers in my ear, "I'm about respect. I've had to gain it in many ways and trust me when I say this, there is nothing I am not willing to do to maintain that respect." Peter stood up leaving me alone on the ground. I stood up after him, but dizzyness took me first. A lost boy whose name I have not come to know yet gripped onto me keeping me steady. he has black as night hair and chocolate brown eye.

"Keep your distance from her, Bale Fire," Peter snarled. the boy nodded in response.

"What do you have personal space issues or something.?" I mocked.

Peter puffed out an exaggerated breath. "You'll do yourself a favor and hold your tongue, Flower."

The darkness in his voice silenced me. asside me I could see Bale Fire's smile flick up into a small smile, concealed, but there.

The tiredness came over me in a wave of dizzyness. I yawn and stagger back clutching onto a tree for support.

"Tired.?" Peter asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I don't respond.

Peter clenches his fists and walks to me. I lean back against the tree I was holding onto. Peters clenched fists go on both sides of my head cageing me In.

"I asked you a question," Peter says firmly, "And when I ask you a question, Wendy, I expect an answer."

Words ramble in my head but nothing comes from my slightly parted mouth. Peters eyes darken. I close my eyes bracing for impact. Peters hands connect with my throat cutting off my oxygen.

My head spins with nothing but the image of the green eyes doing this to me.

Peters hands release me letting me fall to the ground. I cough trying to regain control of myself once again.

"Let me put this is a way you might understand. I own everything that comes to Neverland. The trees, the Mermaids, the lost boys," Peter pauses, "You. you are mine now, Flower. I am Neverland and you are my plant. you will grow in the way I position you and you will do as I say. if you last that long." Peter smirks.

I stand up disgusted.

"You can't own another person.!" I shout.

"Can't I.?" was Peters only response.

"no you most certainly can not. it's not right each person gets their own choice they get to choose where they go, what they do, what games they play. no other human being can take that from another human by ownership." This boy obviously grew up with power.

"But of course I can. I can take your life at any time I please, " Peter says as if it were obvious, "This is your home now. how long you live in it is your choice entirely. the others don't last very long."

Peter seems to remind me of a book. Beautiful cover yet the story inside is more gruesome than ever imagined.

"The others.?" I mumble. Peter smiles at this.

"oh yes. they're were many before you as I'm sure there will be many after. They couldn't handle life on Neverland." Peter faces me, "I hope you can."

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