~Chapter Six~

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I want nothing more than to comfort Bay. he looks so helpless, so lost.

"You're a long way from home," I tell the boy.

"No. I am home. I've never felt more wanted any where in my life." Bay told me.

"No you don't mean that. you love your parents, you love your home," I tell him. he needs to know he isn't alone.

"How can I possibly love someone, or even tolerate someone who abandons me.?" Bay continues walking, "I'm not sure such a thing as love exists anymore."

Bays voice is now consumed in coldness. His eyes black in the darkness. There's only so much one person can endure. This is how he is dealing with his old life, he's running away to somewhere he can eventually forget about it all. Often forgetting is worse. Bad things happen so that you can appreciate the good things. forgetting takes away all the pain, but all the knowledge. I wouldn't want to forget anything.

"That's the worst accusation you can make.!" I shout.

Bay looks at me startled, "Excuse me.?"

"You can not say love doesn't exist.! where I'm from love is the closest thing we have to magic. and that magic has created so many happy lives, Bay please don't say things like that. you don't mean them I know you don't."

"Magic is what destroyed my family.! why would I want something close to it.! My father always said 'Magic always comes with a price' and I didn't think anything of it in fact i thought it was stupid until it ripped my family apart and left me to pick up the pieces.! You might as well forget about your world. You're in Neverland now, and the best thing about Neverland is that there is no going back." Bay picks up his pace causing me to follow after gasping a little at the change.

"But that doesn't mean you should run from it. Bay there's a better way--"

"Like what.? I did what I had to do. the shadow didn't find me first, he found my friends who took me in, they didn't want to go they were scared. The shadow wouldn't leave without a new child. I went in their place, and there is no way that I would trade them being stuck here for me going home." Bays voice is raising steadily and I can tell I'm getting on his nerves.

Before we reach camp we stay near the shadows, he's about to tell me something when I bring him into an embrace. at first he is startled and stands stiff, but eventually he reaches around my waist and snuggles his head in my neck. at first I think he is crying, the shaking of his hands. Then I realize he's afraid.

"it's been a while sense I've had a hug, I almost forgot they were real." Bay whispers pulling away from me.

"I'll be here for you if you need to talk to someone," I tell him.

His face crinkles, "Don't worry about me, you'll be lucky to live through the week."

He puts distance between us and leads me back into the circle of screeching lost boys.

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