~Chapter Ten~

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When I wake up it's late afternoon. The lost boys are screaming outside the tent, like usual.

I sit up and stretch out my arms. They're perfectly fine. The damage that Peter had inflicted the night before vanished.

There's no sign of Peter in the tent. Timidly, I stand from the bed and slip back on my black vans that somehow left my feet. My dark jeans have already gained blood stains from the night before. My dark blue T-shirt is no exception. I'm only grateful I slept in my clothes before I left my home.

The thought of home makes my heart hurt. I'm not sure why, they've made it pretty clear how they feel about me.

When Peter was pestering me about feeling lost, the only thing I could think of is how right he was. I just couldn't admit it to myself. Let alone to him.

Somewhere, sometime, I know I must have meant something to them. It was always my brothers my family liked. Especially aunt Millicent. She looks at me as if I am a disgrace to every one. My father can barley look me in the eyes. They probably don't even care that I'm gone.

I shake the thought of them away. Outside the tent, despite the sun, the air is cold.

"Wendy.!" I hear someone shout. I turn to find Bay running to me.

"Bay," I smile when he reaches me.

"Are you okay.? I heard you screaming last night and I was so worried. Pan flew out of there so fast I thought he was going to cause a tornado.!" Bay tells me frantically.

"Calm down I'm fine. Umm so you said Peter flew out of the tent last night.?" Bay nodded, "where do you think he was going.?"

"Probably to see tink. Where did he hurt you.? How bad was it.?"

"It wasn't that bad. He did something and i don't know it went away. How'd he do that.? And who is tink.?"

"Woah," Bay muttered, "you're tougher than I thought. Pan has healing properties in his hands. When he first came to Neverland he was severely injured. he breathed in pixie dust. Pixie dust is already one of the most powerful magical things here, besides the well of course but don't ask about that. When Pan breathed in that dust it gave him the ability to do extraordinary things. He has magic beyond belief. Only later was when he got cursed and gave in to all the darkness. He was never too nice of a person but after that, he got horrible. Oh and Tinkerbelle is the only fairy on the island that isn't afraid of Pan."

"Peter was cursed how.? By who.?"

"Some crazy man found his way to Neverland, blamed Pan for the nightshade killing his brother. Said he cursed his shadow, because that's the only thing Pan couldn't rid himself of. The crazy man is still here on Neverland, he's a pirate. He doesn't know about the monster he created. I mean look what he did to you."

"I told you it wasn't that big of a deal."

"Pans been going to Tink for a while. She's been trying to help him but he always lashes out. She's the craziest fair

"A fairy," I say delighted, "well now you must take me to see one."

Bay smiles at me, "you may survive Neverland after all."

Bay looks at me for a while. He takes in the blood stains and all the dirt.

"What.?" I ask.

"Nothing," Bay shrugs, "you just remind me of someone."

I smile back at Bay. He's the only one here who ever shows me kindness.


"An old friend."

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