~Chapter 8~

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I've watched her for so many years, I know how alone she feels. I know that she gave up on the chance of being loved long ago with the chance of happiness.

She never stopped trying though. She continued to fight through everything she had to deal with. Lies, discomfort, abandonment. Just like me.

She was gentle when she was younger, always afraid to give in to the power she had building up inside her. She never fit right, like am exotic flower in a field of daisys. How could she.? She belongs here in Neverland with me. My lost girl.

I've spent a long time gathering my lost boys. Making sure to find the ones who feel as lost as I once did. Always seeking something I craved more than mere friendship, I wanted loyalty. There was always something missing. I never knew what it was until the day I found Wendy.

I knew then that what I didn't have is someone who could entertain me. Someone who was so untimely captivating that I forget about everything else in existance.

Yet looking at her figure standing before me, her hair dripping with gold down to her waist, her eyes shaming the great ocean, and her brilliant mind conjuring up master pieces. I should know, I'm in it often enough.

I feel as though she wants to believe in her family, her stubborness adgitates me. She's so strong willed, it's going to be hard to break her.

I prefer challenges. No one ever gets anywhere without challenges.

She bites her lip to hold back words, a trick she uses quite often.

"Wendy," I say.


"Wendy," I repeat gripping my hands together.


"Wendy Darling. When I speak to you, you will respond." I say through clenched teeth.


The only way to get through to her is by physical violence. And I do love causing people pain. Not to make me feel something, but just a reminder that I don't.

I smile and slap her once more across the face. She doesn't move. I scream in frustration and pull out my pocket knife. I grab her arms and slice down the side. She yelps but tears don't threaten to enter her eyes.

The darkness is overwhelming. My vision blurs as I dig the knife deeper listening to her scream. The blood oozes from her arms and splatters on the ground.

Do it peter.

The voice never leaves me. He follows me, controls me. I use to think I controlled him but now he's signed many people life by my hands.

You know how to do it, Peter. She isn't worth it. Don't be weak. She's not your lost girl, she is too much for this island. End her.

I pull away and yank the knife from her arms. Wendy falls to the ground gasping for breath. A wave of dizziness falls on me, like every other time the voice creeps into my head.

You fool.

I fall to my knees next to Wendy. Her breaths are comming in softer. I place my hand over the cuts. I will my body to calm. My hands glow yellow leaving her wounds as if they never existed.

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