~Chapter Fourteen~

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|||| AN: okay you guys are probably ready to kill me for not updating in forever. I want you to know I am so sorry. I have been swamped with home work and projects. I'm working on one right now. I jusy finished page 1 out of 5 then I have to write an essay about the hobbit and the odyssey. After everything blows over I'll have much more updates for you all. Love you guys have a wonderful day.! |||||||

I stare at Slightly's bright, brown eyes. He has traces of excitement hidden in them. It makes me sick. Everyone on this island get joy from pain and suffering. Especially Peter. He has these boys twisted around his fingers. They jump on sight of him, making him grin with pleaser.

I tear myself from this thought, but maintain my gaze on the boy.

"What kind of secrets.?" I question.

Slightly smiles, Golden hair flipping over his forehead. "The kind that live so deep in your mind that you lock them away, and try to dismiss them from existence. The kind that crawl up to surface when you can't sleep, the ones that you deny and pretend don't exist. The ones that could ultimately change your life, forever."

I don't speak.

Slightly laughs loud enough to awaken the sleeping beast that lives in the pit. I managed a peek at him soon after ariving. It's not a thought I wish to dwell on.

"So, Wendy, still up for this rescue, or is Neverland finally getting to you.?"

I intensify my gaze forcing my eyes to drill holes through his.

"Take me to the caves."

Slightly laughs and drags me by the arm. We head deeper and deeper into the evergreens until the climate drops dramatically. The trees become bare and snow starts to crunch under my feet.

"Confused.?" Slightly calls out to me, "I'd be surprised if you weren't. "

I shrug.

"This island isn't like where you come from--"

"Obviously," I mutter trying not to laugh.

"Don't be such a smart elec. This island is powered by an energy force in Mermaid lagoon."

"The well.?" I ask.

"How did you know about that.?" Slightly flicks his eyes back to me.


"Right. Anyway, this energy source is what makes time stand still. It also has a magnetic pull, like your north and south poles, this pull effects the climate changes. here on Neverland we don't have seasons that change with the rotation of a planet, we have all four seasons in four different parts of neverland." he looks to me to check and see if I'm keeping up. I nod, " in the southeast corner is winter, southwest is spring, northwest summer, northeast is fall."

"You said the energy source powering this island was the well.?"

He nods.

"But what is the well.?"

He turns to face me completely. He shows a rottentoothed grin, "Magic."

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