You're not my slave

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Kirishima groaned a bit as the pressure point on his neck was pushed on and he just stayed quiet as they moved in the car he kept his eyes down on his hand bonds and as he was then taken out of the car and brought into some large house with big guard looking guys anyone would be intimidated or scared seeing them but all Kirishima wanted to do was fight them, the bigger the opponent the more he wanted to beat them to prove his manliness and prove his strength. Eijiro was born and raised to be a fighter, it was all he knew and he liked it that way. Kirishima kept thinking of different ways to take down the big guards until he was ordered to sit down on some big fancy bed in a clean large room and he did so, he sat down on the bed and listened to the blond looking at the paper with a tilt to his head "what do I say? The hell do you mean what do I say? what's wrong with it? It seems just like my normal routine, when I get fed what I'm like, shit like that and I'm not a human being. I'm a fighter, master... or are you one of those people who's gonna make me call you daddy or some shit?" he growled lowly looking around the room and his eyes quickly went to the little window and quickly he wanted to try and get out through it. Bakugo couldn't help to chuckle when Kirishima mentioned the daddy thing "you'll probably be tempted to but no, I'd rather you to use my name: Katsuki Bakugo." He said, watching curiously how the red head moved his eyes all around the room and being very attentive to the little window.

"You think it's a good idea to not be holding my chains and just have me sit here on this damn bed with a clear escape?" Kirishima chuckled a bit and moved his arms stretching out a little bit and he eventually got up from the bed dragging the chain on his hands along behind him as he looked around the room soon moving to get into the closets and any other things he could get open not really caring to what he did to the room or if he made a mess and eventually he found himself right next to the window and he looked out of it, then to the blond with a soft chuckle putting his bonded hands up against the glass giving it a tap. "Hmm~ such an easy escape and thing is if all those big guys try to stop me I get to fight again haha, this is the best opportunity I've had in years!".

Bakugo huffed softly "What I meant earlier was if this is okay for you. I'll give you the amounts of meat you want and we'll all eat in the dinning room at 8. And don't say shit like that, you're a human and I shall treat you the way you deserve." Bakugo said seriously, he had always respected strong people like him so he would be cautious but still respecting his new fighter. Katsuki approached him now that he was near the window "you're probably brainwashed by bullshit but I don't care, this is my house, you work for me and you'll follow my orders. It's not drastic shit. Just don't kill my people, don't destroy my stuff, simply respect it and me." He said, standing right in front of the window.
Kirishima scoffed a bit rolling his eyes and he kind of snapped "I'm not fucking brainwashed! I'll follow your damn orders because this is how I live my life. I get handed owner to owner, I don't care where I am, what the fuck happens to me or what my owner does to me. I just want to fight!" Kirishima furrowed his brows a bit as Bakugo moved to stand in front of the window "Oh and you wanna try and fall from a fifteen meter height? They'll catch you even if you survive the fall. Do not worry shitty hair, you'll fight. I hired you to be my bodyguard and my fighter. You will give service and I'll pay you for it, giving you food and the best home you could ever have." Bakugo said, leaning a bit to him with his arms crossed. "You're not my slave, Kirishima... there's no point in trying to scape from a place you're not being held." Bakugo's red eyes expressed honesty as he calmly said those words. "You can go out as many times as you want as long as you return. You can use your money however you please and you'll have privacy here if you want. I want you to be compromised with this job. Do you really have a problem with it?" He asked arching a brow and still looking him straight in the eye, red against red. He started to feel kinda weird about how mesmerizing his eyes were. Kirishima hearing the body guard thing tilted his head but just continued to listen and keep quiet but when he said he'd be able to leave on his own as long as he came back and his eyes widened. He was shocked, no owner of his had ever said anything like that to him before. It was weird and unnatural to Kirishima, like it was maybe a test or something but he had no idea and in a way it kind of frightened him. "G-Go out?... Go out?! You want me to go out on my own as long as I come back?! H-Hahah!!" Kirishima froze a bit this was crazy no way this could be real it couldn't be real...Could it?

Bakugo lowered his gaze to his bonded hands and started to free him with careful soft movements as if Kirishima was made of glass.
Kirishima looked down at his hands when Bakugo started to free his hands in careful movements, it was strange. He was being careful with him but, why? Kirishima was dangerous, he was a fighter, someone who killed people ruthlessly for his own entertainment. So why was this guy being so nice and gentle with him? As soon as Kirishima's hands were free he pulled them away from Bakugo and sat in the middle of the bed almost like a dog and he looked down at his hands his eyes soon going a bit wide could, he take off his own muzzle now? If that was the case then he really could escape, go out into the world fight whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, having his mask off was like a trigger to him. Almost like it would flip a switch in his brain and he'd become an uncontrollable monster that just wanted to go insane but that made him hesitate from moving his hands to take the muzzle off, if he even could and he just looked to the bed he sat on and then to Bakugo.

Bakugo looked at Kirishima, he kind of understood the way he felt and he got an idea of what he was thinking. "You can go out if you want, I don't have a problem with it unless you're on duty working." Bakugo sat in the bed next to Kirishima and stared at his eyes for a moment, what was it on him that just didn't seemed scary? Bakugo didn't know and for some reason, the look the red head had on his face now made Katsuki want to protect him. "I assume it must be a total change to what you've been used to, but it's better isn't it?" Bakugo sighed, shaking his head a bit. "Your muzzle... it's important, right? I don't care if you don't want to take it off, you can if you want I don't give a fuck." Bakugo explained, he wasn't the best at words neither at this delicate stuff but he tried. He stood up and he extended his hand to ruffle the other's hair casually and a bit rough as he used to with the others but when his hand was about to touch that red mess he stopped on the air. He knew Kirishima wasn't like the rest but he had to show him that he wasn't scared of him. The red head probably hadn't experienced affection of any sort in a while so Bakugo understood that he may need some space. The blond lowered his hand on Kirishima's hair carefully digging his fingers through the red strands and then pulling away, it was a quick gesture. "There's some clothes in the closet, get dressed and come to dinner in half an hour." He said, standing up and going out of the room. When he was about to open the door, he stopped himself and looked over his shoulder. "Welcome, Kirishima" Bakugo mumbled and then got out of the room.

Kaminari was half asleep against the wall and Bakugo pinched his sides waking him up "tell the rest to prepare for dinner". Bakugo went to his room thinking about his new worker and got dressed with an orange robe that was kind of transparent but he didn't cared and he didn't wore anything on his torso aside that, he wore boxers and since the robe was large he felt comfortable going  down to the dinning room.

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