The Arena

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Kirishima followed along with Bakugo as they got into the car, soon arriving at a rather large coliseum like place and he for the most part just stayed quiet and looked around the place until a bright pink haired girl popped up from seemingly nowhere, being quite loud and looking quite excited about seeing Bakugo but hardly even paying attention to the fact that Kirishima existed. The redhead didn't really speak up or let his presence be known and just followed along with the both of them listening to their conversation and quickly when he saw the people fighting in the middle of the coliseum his eyes went wide and his hands balled up into tight fists. Man, he wanted to get in their and fight so bad, it was like he had just suddenly snapped into it and woke up completely, no longer being slow or having a tired feel to his body. He was fired up, ready to go by just seeing people training. So when he turned his attention back to Bakugo to ask him if he could get down there and fight, he saw the girl holding a dagger to his masters neck. Kirishima furrowed his brows, tightly grabbing her wrist and pulling the dagger out of her hand. He pulled her away from Bakugo soon grabbing her other hand and pinning them behind her back, harshly pressing her chest up against the nearest wall and he growled in her ear kind of pressing his muzzle against her neck and shoulder. Man, he wanted to bite through her flesh so bad. It was so tempting, if only the muzzle wasn't in the way. He was acting almost like a hungry dog even giving her a few smells craving to let lose but he didn't know if this girl was a friend or not of Bakugo's so he just kept holding her arms with a tight grip and harshly keeping her pressed to the wall letting out his low growls "Bakugo I want it off, take off the damn muzzle. I'm so ready for this, they're all gonna lose to me starting with this one here". Kirishima licked his teeth under his muzzle, a kind of hungered look to his eyes as he looked between Bakugo and the girl he had pinned.

Bakugo didn't even had time to defend himself when Kirishima acted so quickly pushing Mina away, she squealed being totally surprised by his presence and she was harshly pinned to the wall "AHHH! KATSUKI BAKUGO! WHAT THE HELL?! OFF, GET OFF!" She screamed, her cheek pressed against the walls of her place and her guards quickly ran, some archers right about to shoot "KIRISHIMA!" Bakugo quickly moved pushing the boy off her "Stop! Lower your weapons now!" Bakugo yelled to the rest, Mina rubbed her wrists with some tears in her eyes. Bakugo grabbed softly Kirishima by his head with both hands being careful with his touch "she's not an enemy... she's just stupid" Bakugo mumbled looking at Kirishima in the eyes trying to calm down "I'm not stupid!" She screamed "I see you got yourself a new fighter... just send him to the arena already so my boys can destroy him" she groaned wiping the small tears off her eyes. "If he must" Bakugo mumbled, he softly let go of Kirishima's face and patted him to go with the others that seemed kinda mad at him since he had attacked their boss. "Tetsutesu! Show this dog how to fight!" She yelled at a gray haired boy "remember, not death combat" she told her fighters as if it would be easy for them to knock out Kirishima. "You have no idea what you just provoked" Bakugo mumbled to her which she arched her brow to and sat to see them battle. "Keep the the muzzle!" He yelled to Kirshima, he knew otherwise it'll be more difficult to control him and this was just a... friendly combat. "I'm here to sign him up and he'll show you why" Bakugo said firmly, patting a bit weirdly her head in a way to apologize for Kirishima's behavior "he comes from clandestine fights, just give him time" Bakugo mumbled and Mina quietly stared at him "so he's special huh" Bakugo rolled his eyes "just watch".

Kirishima grunted as he was pushed off of the girl and looking around seeing guards ready to shoot him he furrowed hit brows but listened as Bakugo yelled at him that she wasn't an enemy and was quickly interested when the girl said to get him into the arena and Kirishima felt that familiar chill run down his spine. He was excited and quickly made his way over to a few of the girls guards that took him to a small room like usual before the fight he was so excited to get the muzzle off and fight someone, sink his teeth into them but just as he thought he could take off the muzzle he heard Bakugo order him to keep it on and Kirishima walked up to the bars that kept him from walking into the actual arena and he grabbed onto the bars glaring at Bakugo. He was definitely pissed, he wanted the mask off and it made him go into a bit of a rage grabbing onto the bars and pulling at them like he did with the fight that Bakugo had first watched him do "DAMN IT! You really want me to keep this on?!That's bullshit! I've never had a fight with my muzzle on, not that I couldn't win against anyone without my teeth but you don't understand! I need to bite something! GAHH! Get me the hell out of this. I need to blow of some damn steam!" Kirishima's eyes quickly moved to see Mina's fighter Tetsutetsu and he grinned slipping one of his hands through the bars reaching out to him "awww man this is gonna be loads of fun. Muzzle or not, I'll kick your ass and run your face into the dirt!" The more Kirishima waited seeing the opportunity of a fight in front of him, the more desperate he became to start the fight and the more he wished to sink his teeth into something. The thought of it making him even start to salivate like a hungry dog.

Mina jumped in her place seeing that guy Kirishima so excited and crazy about the fight "he's insane" she said looking at him with eyes wide. Bakugo shrugged "he's a good fighter". Mina stared at him and then nodded to the guards, they freed Kirishima so he would start fighting "don't kill them!" Bakugo yelled to the red haired, Mina gulped "you're going to intervene if this goes wrong... right?" She asked, nervously watching how Tetsutetsu lunged forward and the rest of the fighters made space for them "me? Why do you pay the guards then?" Mina huffed "yeah but he seems to obey you more, obviously" Bakugo just sighed looking at Kirishima. He was so ruthless and bold, Bakugo couldn't help to smile a bit watching the fight "whatever". Then, he asked Mina to get the papers to sign Kirishima in and she doubtfully sent for them "but are you sure he's gonna change?" She asked while handing Bakugo a pen. Bakugo's eyes were pierced in the arena, taking mental notes about his combat. "I don't want him to change, he's crazy and that's... him" Bakugo couldn't really find the words "don't worry about it, I'll make sure he doesn't cause trouble. At least not much" Bakugo signed writing his name and Kirishima's. Mina sighed, signing too "he better do".

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