Do I make you nervous?

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Kirishima stayed fairly silent for the rest of the meeting between Bakugo and Todoroki, keeping a relaxed and calm look on his face. Kirishima wasn't paying attention as they began to leave and honestly looked kind of tired or confused, maybe lost in thought as he walked out to the car with Bakugo, Sero and Denki but quickly snapped back into reality feeling something grab his arms and he looked at Bakugo as he asked if he was ok and Kirishima saying nothing at first glanced over to Todoroki's house for a moment "mmmMm... yes I'm alright. I think I'm just a bit tired that's all but I mustn't leave your side so that you can be safe" Kirishima moved Bakugo into the car and sat beside him, his eyes looking down at his hands for a bit as he moved his fingers around a bit "so umm the meeting went well I'm guessing, since it didn't seem to end in any bloodshed or something like that?" Kirishima said softly a bit of a yawn at the end of his sentence and his eyelids began to grow a bit heavy but he kept trying to keep himself awake and ready to act at any moment but he couldn't help but feel this large sudden wave of drowsiness wash over him "oh and that umm that... that green haired boy with the freckles M-Midoriya? He seems to have a very high liking to you Bakugo you have so many friends" Kirishima yawned once again and leaned his head back in his chair widening his eyes a bit to try and keep them open "I apologize for leaving in the middle of the meeting like I did Bakugo it wasn't very respectful of me but I just needed to get some air. I promise I'm alright I'm still Umm just very new to all of this stuff so I need to learn how to adjust".

Bakugo noticed how Kirishima was feeling sleepy and tired. The blond sighed, he was tired too. That day had been so long and kind of intense so he understood why Kirishima felt that way. Bakugo nodded "Well , I'm gonna be making new stuff for Todoroki and he's gonna give me money for it so I shall say it did went well" he said, staring at Kirishima's profile for a moment and then he rested his head on Kirishima's shoulder, yawning too. Kirishima didn't think much when Bakugo rested his head on his shoulder in the car though it did bring a light blush to his cheeks. "I don't have much friends, I just know him since I was a kid. We used to live in the same neighborhood but we both took different paths and he works with Todoroki now" Bakugo said about Midoriya. The blond closed his eyes taking a soft deep breath kinda because he liked how the red head smelled "I'm glad you're alright, Kiri" Bakugo mumbled, getting Kirishima his first nickname. Katsuki rested his head on his shoulder silently until they got home. Sero and Denki opened the doors and Bakugo got down of the car stretching himself. The three boys entered to the house, Denki and Sero said goodnight already going to their rooms and Bakugo did the same getting up stairs with Kirishima "You know, you don't have to get so crazy about taking care of me... you can relax too, I can- I mean, we can take care of you too. We're f-friends, right?" he mumbled, getting to his room and changing into his robe leaving the door open "and it's all good, you can take your own private space whenever you want. I know you're still adapting, I-I can help you with that. I mean, I don't mind. We can... practice making friends or whatever you want to try, tsk..." he flopped down on bed feeling dumb and with his face red, a little pout on his lips. He was kinda slow when he was tired "Kirishima... y-you look r-really good" Bakugo whispered with his words kinda slurred since he was all sleepy and his face was pressed against the bed, his tone a bit deeper than normal and he didn't really process what he just said.

Kirishima still stayed by Bakugo's side he watched in the doorway of his room "really? I would appreciate that a lot and I wouldn't just want to practice making friends with you Bakugo. I'd like to possibly be your friend and create a good bond with you, not only as your bodyguard but also as a friend" Kirishima smiled sweetly and watched as Bakugo got dressed in his robe and crawled onto his bed flopping down and getting himself comfortable and when Bakugo complimented him saying that he looked really good that blush came back to his cheeks and he closed the bedroom door stepping inside "oh thank you, Bakugo. it's all thanks to you since you picked out my outfit and if you wouldn't mind I'd like to stay and watch over you until you at least fall asleep, then I'll head to my room so you can sleep comfortably" Kirishima moved to sit at the end of Bakugo's bed and he placed his hands on his lap and he yawned "so Bakugo what kind of things do together that makes it so enjoyable? when I look at you Denki and Sero seeming to enjoy each other's company and having fun and laughing within the conversations you guys have, it looks to enjoyable but what exactly makes it so enjoyable?" Kirishima asked this question a bit shyly as he took his hair down from the ponytail it was in and he shook his head to make the hair fall down, a bit of it going over his face as he did but he soon began to fix it "sorry if you don't want to talk about this now. I can tell you seem very tired so if you'd like me to just be quiet and let you rest I will I wouldn't want to keep you up after quite the long day today" Kirishima's words began to get a bit slower and deeper as well feeling another drowsy and sleepy wave wash over him, a soft blush on his face.

Bakugo lifted his face from the bed and gave him a little dumb smile "you wanna stay with me? Tsk, I don't mind and I don't hate talking with you" he said, flipping over so he could get under the covers and so he could look at Kirishima even if his eyes were half closed "You don't have to apologize for everything, I haven't even decided if I want to talk or not dumbass" the blond said, throwing a pillow at him so he would get a bit comfortable already. "enjoyable? Well, I laugh at the stupid stuff Dunce Face says and Soy Sauce's laugh it's so hilarious. Like a seal, it's funny" Bakugo said, chuckling slightly. "Hm, I think they find something in me... something that they like, I wouldn't know what. Dont tell those idiots I said this but without them I would be crazy right now. Well, I already am and they make me crazier when they mess things up and I yell at them but... they're still by my side" Katsuki said trying to express how he felt about those boys. His red eyes fell on Kirishima, looking at his red straight hair falling on his face and he felt those butterflies in his stomach. "I guess that what makes it enjoyable is how I decide to share moments with them, and they just become something we enjoy and want to keep doing it. And it's nice, I-I want to make and share moments with you too" he mumbled, scanning Kirishima's face and noticing a soft blush on him. Bakugo sloppily sat on his knees on the bed, leaning to Kirishima and resting one of his hands on the bed. Without thinking much he extended his hand and softly caressed the other's cheek feeling how warm it was "you feel ok? why are you like this? Your face is red, do I make you nervous?" Bakugo asked in a soft whisper, his face fairly close to Kirishima's. Their noses almost touching, Bakugo knew his face was as red as a tomato and that his heart was racing on his chest but he felt a bit calm since he was sleepy, his eyes mid-open as he looked at Kirishima with some curiosity.

Note of the authors:

Heyo dear readers :)
I hope you're having fun with this story as much as we had writing it haha. If so, we would be pretty glad if you keep voting, commenting and sharing the story so other Kiribaku lovers can enjoy too!

Drink water, don't stress too much!

With love,


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