Cuddles & Explosions

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Kirishima chuckled softly smiling at the sweet things Bakugo was saying "I'd like to make and share moments with you as well Bakugo that sounds like a lot of fun I'm excited to make friends and get to know everyone-" Kirishima cut himself off when he noticed Bakugo start to move and he turned his head to look at him, his blush getting a bit more intense when his cheek was softly caressed and he froze up a bit "I-I Umm- I'm..." Kirishima stuttered who would have thought a tough fighter all flustered and red in the cheeks? but he honestly didn't know how he felt, he'd never experienced anything like this before, having a weird sensation in his stomach and his face and ears felt all warm, his brain fuzzy and his words couldn't form properly. Bakugo was so close to his face, he could feel the warmth from the others face being so close "I-I feel fine Bakugo and I don't know why I'm like this. I don't think I-I'm nervous but m-my head is all fuzzy and you're s-so close to my face. I don't know what to do, Bakugo" Kirishima's breath became a bit heavier and he gulped, his mind was in a bit of a panic.

Bakugo was just so close to his face and it made him so flustered, his face felt so warm. He noticed that Bakugo seemed to be half asleep and Kirishima hesitantly moved his hand to take Bakugo's shoulders "y-you should get to sleep Bakugo, before you tire yourself out to much and pass out". Bakugo enjoyed every second of being so close to Kirishima, he was so flustered and that just made Bakugo's heart flutter and start pounding faster on his chest. He had a little smirk on his face. Maybe Kirishima did felt something, maybe Bakugo would like to see Kirishima more flustered. "Your head is all fuzzy? Hm, I wonder why mine is too..." Katsuki felt Kirishima's breathing like a soft wind brushing his face, the ruby eyes of the blond fell to those pink lips he now had the need to taste. His eyes shut closed leaning slightly to him but then he felt Kirishima's big hands on his shoulders and he opened them again, Bakugo indeed was quite tired and he felt his body drained out of energy, he wasn't really thinking much about what he was doing. Bakugo groaned softly "ugh, but I like this feeling..." he whined with his words a little slurred and he felt his eyes so heavy that they closed again, Bakugo fell into Kirishima's chest sloppily and pouted his lips a bit feeling his face burn "Mm~ y-you're soft and warm, m-maybe I should hire you as a pillow too..." Katsuki chuckled. "You should sleep too... Kirishima" Bakugo mumbled, nuzzling his face against Kirishima's chest and then passing his arms around his torso. He kept mumbling and humming stuff but it didn't come out quite understandable since he was about to fell asleep. At some point, Katsuki stopped saying things and he passed out feeling safe and warm, hearing Kirishima's heartbeat that calmed him down during his sleep.

Kirishima's heart began to beat even faster feeling Bakugo fall onto his chest mumbling a few things before putting his arms around his torso and nuzzling against him and soon falling quiet passing out and as Bakugo slept beside him Kirishima's heart pounded and he tried to wake Bakugo up but it didn't quite work and well, honestly he didn't want to disturb him while he slept so Kirishima just hesitantly put his arms around Bakugo, pulling his body a bit closer. He lifted him a little bit as he shifted on the bed to get them both underneath he covers. Kirishima kept Bakugo resting against his chest, his face completely red as he just tried to keep Bakugo comfortable and not disturb him by moving to much or being uncomfortable to lay on "hey umm B-Bakugo? I'm going to go to sleep. I know you're already asleep but... Hmm just sleep well, alright? I-I'll be here to keep you safe" Kirishima nuzzled himself into Bakugo's bed getting cozy under the covers, his head on the pillows comfortably and he kept his arms around Bakugo having one of them around his back and the other slightly up in Bakugo's blond hair. It didn't take him too long to fall asleep beside him, kind of cuddling him like he was a stuffed animal. While he slept, he felt so relaxed and calm. No overwhelming need to bite something or fight anyone, he just wanted to hold Bakugo close and smell his sweet caramel like sent and listen to the sound of his breathing, just knowing that he was alright and that he was safe laying with him. There were a few times in the night when Kirishima would kind of jolt awake hearing a noise and thinking someone had gotten into the room to do something to Bakugo but it was usually nothing. Though, Kirishima would still end up thinking that something was off which would make him hold Bakugo a bit closer to make sure he was alright before falling back asleep nuzzling his face into Bakugo's hair a little.

Bakugo slept calmly, humming every now and then when feeling that nice warm pillow underneath move but he felt so safe and comfortable. Hours later, the sun directly through his eyelids woke him up and he felt so rested and nice he really didn't wanted to start the day, so he didn't move until he felt that bum, bum like... like a heart? Katsuki's face turned bright red while realizing what was happened and he just froze there holding his breath. Bakugo gulped and lifted his head up Kirishima's chest to look up at him who had his eyes closed and his beautiful red hair down covering some of his face, he seemed to rest peacefully and deeply. Bakugo couldn't really move much since Kirishima held him tight against him, that just made Bakugo more of a blushing mess since his robe was thin he could feel much of the red head's body. He tried to contain himself but he ended up getting closer, to admire Kirishima's face and he softly moved some hair off his face in a caress. He stared calmly for a while until he realized what he was doing and got more red, bitting his lip a slightly nervous he tried to get off Kirishima without waking him up but his arms were firmly around him making it a struggle. "Kirishima..." the blond whispered with his voice more deep than usual since he had just woken up. "Kirishima" he called again, this time more loud. Bakugo tried to move and he got to move his legs around Kirishima's hips and his torso up a bit "Eijiro" Bakugo whispered, his hands on Kirishima's pecs to support himself and trying to leave his arms even if he didn't wanted to. He hear Kaminari whistling a song coming to wake him up and Bakugo started moving more on top of Kirishima, giving soft punches to his chest and moving more on him, trying to sit at least so he could roll or hide "Wake the fuck up!" Bakugo whispered, hearing Denki closer. "Bakugo? Can I come in?" The yellow haired asked from behind the door.

Kirishima was, unfortunately for Bakugo, a pretty heavy sleeper so when his name was called his didn't move much just keeping his arms tightly wrapped around Bakugo, just sleeping all sound not a caring about the world. That was until he starting to feel something pushing on his chest and struggling more and more to try and get away from his hold and then began to ouch at his chest and hearing a firm voice telling him to wake up he finally did his eyes opening all drowsy. Kirishima finally let go of Bakugo to rub his eyes and he looked around the blindingly bright room since the sun was right in his eyes and moving around a bit, he ended up falling off the bed, landing chest down but he couldn't really help it and he groaned lazily a few moments after falling to the ground "MMmMm... ouch..." Kirishima moved to be seated on the floor leaning against the side of the bed that he had fallen off of and he looked around the room once again "Bakugo it's too early to wake up. I can't... stay awake" Kirishima flopped his head back onto the side of the bed and his eyes closed again as he passed out again snoring a little as he did his mouth hug open a bit as well he hadn't heard Denki calling from the other side of the door nor did he think that cuddling like they were would have been any kind of problem since Bakugo was the one to nuzzle against his chest all happy and sleepy that night so Kirishima didn't feel any need to be embarrassed or nervous at the moment he just felt tired so he just let himself pass out not really caring where he was since he just wanted more sleep.

Kaminari heard a heavy thud and bursted in seeing Kirishima on the floor and Bakugo on his bed with quite a red face. His eyes darted between the both and as he was about to say something Bakugo talked "this idiot wanted to keep an eye on me during the night so he stayed on the floor" Kaminari looked at him for a couple seconds to finally chuckle a bit and he went to try to move Kirishima on the floor but he was too heavy for him "oh man, you're too good at your job" he innocently said, ruffling Eijiro's hair softly. "Well, Sero told me to come wake you up because breakfast is ready. We have nothing planned on today since it's Saturday" the yellow haired boy said, smiling at Bakugo. The blond nodded, going down of his bed and searching through his closet what he was going to wear "he's... he's sleeping so nice, we should let him rest for a while" Denki said and Bakugo shrugged like if he didn't cared "I'll wait down stairs for you, Sero will bring Kirishima breakfast" and with that Kaminari got out of the room. Bakugo sighed and took off his robe to change into some sportive outfit because he was going to workout after breakfast and try on his new creations. When he was done, he stood up in front of Kirishima and carried him up to bed, covering him and closing the curtains so the light wouldn't bother him. A bit hesitant, he leaned and gave a brief kiss to his forehead and left the room with a red face to go eat some food with the rest of the workers in the house. After that, he proved his explosion gloves and got a bit carried on destroying stuff on the garden, laughing villainously as he did "I'm fucking invincible!!" Bakugo yelled, the adrenaline on his veins as he blasted off some mannequins and rocks around "Denki, come fight me!" Bakugo demanded and Kaminari jumped on his place quickly running into the house to hide from him "I'm too young to die!!".

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