Some sort of interest?

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Kirishima was not moving when Denki struggled to pick him up and ruffled his hair as well as when Bakugo put him onto the bed and placed the small kiss onto his forehead. Kirishima slept for about another hour or so while Bakugo ate breakfast and messed with his explosive gloves. The blond began to yell and set off large loud explosions, breaking multiple things and after the first two explosions had gone off Kirishima jolted up out of the bed, now being wide awake and when he heard Denki yell that he was 'too young to die' Kirishima quickly leapt from the bed and began to run through he house, quickly running into Denki and grabbing him by the shoulders trying to calm him down a bit as he seemed to be in quite a panic. Kirishima had no idea why, all he knew was that he had to get to Bakugo if something was going on "Denki take a deep breath and pull yourself together, damn it! where is Bakugo!? Tell me where he! he's not in his room and me and him were the only ones in there! I need to know if he's ok! I need to keep him safe! where the hell is he Denki!?" Kirishima had a slightly worried and intense look on his face as he waited for Denki to finally calm down and start telling him where Bakugo was and not even a second after Denki had said Bakugo's location Kirishima gave Denki a pat on the head as a quick thanks and bolted off in Bakugo's direction looking around for him frantically hearing more and more explosions going and once he finally found Bakugo, he walked up behind him and tightly hugged him being both angry and relieved "I thought you were in trouble, Bakugo! Why didn't you wake me up? I'm your bodyguard! I need to be by your side at all times to keep you safe, don't scare me like that!" He yelled still squeezing Bakugo in a tight hug but he had a furrow to his brows and once he finally let go of Bakugo he crossed his arms and stayed close to him a slight angry pout in his lip as well.

Denki opened his eyes wide seeing Kirishima grabbing him coming out of nowhere and screaming with such a worry look on his face. When he finally told him where Bakugo was he went to search Sero to tell him to stop Bakugo to explode things. Back in the garden, Bakugo had a cynical smile on his face while destroying stuff yelling "Die! Die! Die!". When he felt strong arms around him he jumped a bit on his place and looked back at the person making one last explosion, his face blushed realizing it was Kirishima who hugged him tightly and lectured him about scaring him "I'm okay, Kirishima! I was just playing around, chill" Bakugo said, chuckling a bit and looking at with an arched brow "you were scared, Kirishima~?" He teased, looking at that cute pout on his lips. He ruffled his hair and passed next to him, he took off his gloves "Oi, if you're so angry at me for scaring you, why don't you come at me, huh?" The blond smirked, putting his fists up to a fighting position. He had adrenaline going around his body, and he knew Kirishima liked to fight so why not? He also knew he wouldn't hurt him, at least not much "or are you afraid to lose against such a strong fighter?" Bakugo asked with an egocentric tone. Kirishima's eyes quickly widened as soon as Bakugo said to come at him and held up his fists ready to fight which really spiked Kirishima's interest he wanted to fight him so bad like really really bad he bit his tongue and uncrossed his arms "I-I..." Kirishima stuttered he knew that if he lost control of himself he might end up hurting Bakugo again and he didn't want too but the fighter inside of him thought that passing up an opportunity like this would be insane and when Bakugo asked if he was afraid he'd lose Kirishima's brows furrowed a bit and he still tried to resist.

Bakugo walked towards him and and pushed him slightly with his hands extended "come on, I know you're dying to. And we'll practice your resistance against your needs to bite" the blond said, looking at him with a playful smirk. I-I'm your bodyguard I'm suppose to protect you not-" Kirishima was cut off when Bakugo gave him a slight push which just so happened to push Kirishima over the edge and he lifted his fists his brows furrowed and barring his teeth a bit and he grabbed one of Bakugo's hands and swiftly pulled him close very tightly wrapping his arms around him starting to squeeze "fine, you want to fight me so bad? then let's fight!"

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