Are you okay?

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Kirishima continued to squeeze and hug Bakugo rather tightly even lifting him up a little bit "Mhm I really really like it. thank you very very much Bakugo I can't wait to see all the things that you want to show me and your welcome Bakugo. I couldn't just let that guy have his way with your body, that's totally not manly to take advantage of someone like that especially since you were drunk it just made me really really mad even just thinking about what he could have done to you pisses me off, if you didn't stop me I definitely would have killed him for what he did" Kirishima realized just how tight and rough he was holding onto Bakugo and he let him go smiling a bit nervously and rubbed the back of his neck "shit sorry sorry Bakugo I-ive never hugged anyone before I didn't realize that I was squeezing you so tight I hope I didn't hurt you again. I'm doing a pretty crappy job being a bodyguard if I keep hurting you". Bakugo smiled, opening his eyes a bit still feeling quite tight between Kirishima's arms that it was making difficult to breath and well he still felt a bit sensible about the hits and bruises he had on his back and arms, he felt a bit relieved when Kirishima let him go because now he could breath but if the didn't let him go Bakugo would keep being in his arms until he passed away, it was just so comfortable and warm. Kirishima sighed a bit and ruffled Bakugo's hair starting to walk over to the door "we should probably get going right? I'm not sure when we're supposed to leave-" When Kirishima opened the door he nearly walked right into Sero who came to check on Bakugo or something and Kirishima grabbed Sero's shoulders firmly seeing him stumble back a bit surprised and he didn't want him to fall so he grabbed him "oh are you here to see Bakugo?" He made sure Sero was stable before letting him go and stepping to the side with a smile so Sero could walk in "I'll be waiting out here for when you're ready to go Bakugo" Kirishima gave a small wave of his hand as he stepped out of the room and waited outside of the door looking down at his outfit, a smile still on his lips. He was really enjoying the look of his outfit and then began to mess with his hair a little wondering what he should do with it until that small servant that had brought Bakugo his food came walking past and tapped at his side offering to put his hair up in a ponytail and he nodded his head kneeling down for her.

Bakugo looked up at Sero that had a kinda surprised look on his eyes "W-We're ready to leave, Bakugo" he said finally finding his balance. Bakugo nodded and passed by his side, Sero told Denki and Kirishima to go to the car already and guided Bakugo first there "you usually don't dress like that, red suits you man" Sero said and Bakugo smirked feeling flattered but he noticed something different in Sero's look, like implying something and then the black haired chuckled "oh boy, from all the guys in the Earth you had to choose the lethal one" Sero bursted in laugh and Bakugo quickly understood, blushing slightly and looking away. Then Denki opened the car door entering to sit next to Sero and Bakugo looked at his door being open, his flush intensified seeing Kirishima with his new hairstyle. "Nice ponytail" The yellow haired complimented with a shy smile, Sero said something but Katsuki was so focused on how good Kirishima looked that he didn't even noticed when they started moving to get to Todoroki's house.

Kirishima got into the car happily buckling his seatbelt sitting right beside Bakugo "huh? Oh so that's what this hairstyle is called? A ponytail cool! I'm glad that my hair was just long enough to put it up what do you think Bakugo? Does it look alright enough to go and meet this guy?" Kirishima Smiled sweetly he placed a hand back onto Bakugo's hair ruffling it he really liked the feeling of Bakugo's hair, something about it was relaxing to touch and run his hands through it. Bakugo snapped out of his trance when Kirishima asked if he looked good enough for meeting Todoroki and he just nodded with his cheeks slightly pink. After a little bit, he rested both his hands on his lap and began looking out the car window as they began to drive off "so um Denki and Sero I know we all didn't get off to a very good start.I mean, I kind of said I'd eat you but I want you to know I'm doing my best to not do things like that anymore and well I-I was thinking maybe we could be friends and hangout and do things friends do. I've never had friends before so I think it might be a fun thing to try out, oh and Denki I promise I won't eat you" Kirishima placed a hand on both Sero and Denki's shoulders with that sweet kind smile that made him go from looking like a terrifying sharp toothed tough killer to this sweet huggable lovely guy who looked like just a big teddy bear inside a tough guys body and he moved back to sit properly and he lightly tapped his hands on his lap.

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