Fight Club

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Kirishima's eyes went a bit wide hearing Bakugo say that crushing anyone weaker than him wasn't what a man does and manliness was always very very important to Kirishima so hearing that was a lot to take in. He knew it wasn't manly to take down and kill those weaker than him but he did it because he loved the fight and just told himself that it was alright but hearing someone say it to him so bluntly it hurt "y-yes sir, I'll... I'll sleep and I won't bother you". Kirishima's expression was strange it was like he saw someone die right in front of him but he had killed dozens before so what was with this expression?Eventually, he lifted his hands looking at them then to the muzzle on his face and he mumbled "n-not... manly?... th-thats not what a man does? B-but I've done that?! What... what does that say about me? wh-what does it mean?" Kirishima's teeth clenched as he balled his hands up into fists he stayed put on the bed, he wanted to tear apart the whole room punch anything. His whole life he had his manliness and his fighting and to know that he had been becoming something that made him fear his true self made him very upset. Kirishima was mad, sad, confused and in a bit of a rage. The most he did was aggressively hit and try to bite at the bed, he sat up until he ended up passing out and he finally managed to relax and pull himself together. His lips slightly parted and a bit of his hair fell over his face, he rested with his chest down and his face was turned to the side.

Bakugo had listened part of what Kirishima told to himself and he flopped on his bed nuzzling his face to the mattress, already in his room. Ugh, maybe he had been more serious than intended. Maybe... no, it was fine. He knew Kiri was dangerous but he still wanted to find something else aside his instinct that told him Kiri wasn't like that. Overthinking everything and questioning himself, he fell asleep.

The next morning, Bakugo had woken up around noon and he worked out. Some people had stuff to work on earlier and not everyone was around. He had just gone out of a nice bath and he felt nice and fresh, he was on a good mood. "Soy Sauce, is the car ready?" He asked while eating a toast "yes, Denki went to wake up your bodyguard." Sero said happily drinking some orange juice. Bakugo nodded "we'll sign up Kirishima to the fight club of Raccoon Eyes, he'll probably fight there and I'll go to sign some papers at Todoroki's house. That's all we gotta do today, right?" Bakugo asked, seeing Kaminari arriving by the corner of his eye "yup! I finished so I'll turn up the car already!" Sero grinned and stood up ruffling Bakugo's wet hair sloppily and he chuckled saying good morning to Denki and Kirishima that was next to him. "I-I'll go with you!" The yellow haired boy yelled grabbing Sero by his arm and hiding behind him, the black haired boy chuckled. He got out and prepared the car, putting his hat on and waiting for the other blond as he listened to Denki speaking about the nightmare he had.

Bakugo had a little grin on his face, it slightly egocentric. He looked up at Kirishima and raised his glass to him as a salutation, gesturing to him so he would sit already "I think you heard what we gotta do so eat something and we'll go" Bakugo took a sip of orange juice. Kirishima was definitely not a morning person when Denki came to wake him, he could tell he was scared of him but Kirishima just got up out of the bed and gave himself a few slaps in the face to try and wake up. Not that it helped much but he followed the yellow haired boy as he led him out of the room down the stairs and soon enough into the dining area where Bakugo was already awake and ready to go. Meanwhile, Kirishima's eyes were only partly open and he couldn't even walk without having a bit of a sleepy sway and drag as he was invited to sit down and eat something. He listened to what Bakugo said but processed it very slowly and only a few moments after hearing what he had to say did he nod his head in response and with a hum he looked down to the food now in front of him and he poked at it before picking some up with his hand and accidentally trying to feed himself through his muzzle until he actually remembered that he needed to take it off. Then, he wiped off his muzzle and went to take it off but seemed to be struggling a bit to do so. As he continued to try to get it off, he yawned and began to finally speak in a very groggy sleepy morning voice. "MMmm... we're going places today... and I have to be your body... MmMmm... Gah- your bodyguard th-thing, right?" Kirishima nearly feel asleep as he was talking and finally getting his muzzle off and kind of just lazily dropped his hand back into the food to pick it up and start eating it out of his hand luckily since he was tired having his muzzle off at the time didn't seem to make him go crazy or feel a sudden urge to kill and fight something "how umm.... how long are we gonna be out t-today? and... MmmMm... do I get to f-fight someone?" Kirishima said with a bit of food in his mouth and stuck to his chin soon reaching out to grab any kind of liquid near him and he drank it with a groan then quickly leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and had a bit of trouble getting his muzzle back on correctly.

Bakugo chuckled seeing the red head so sleepy "oh come on, it's noon already" he said, finishing the toast and fruit he had on his plate. "Hm, I don't know maybe six hours? Who cares, and yeah you're fighting people today. A partner in business has a fight club and we're going now since you seem so eager to start a new day" Bakugo said with a small grin. He stood up, taking his coat and approaching Kirishima to help him with the muzzle "let's get going". Both of them went out to the car and Sero drove them to a big place that looked kinda like a coliseum but with more metal bars and it seemed clean, not like the clandestine fight clubs that Kirishima was probably used to. Sero and Denki went to buy some stuff Bakugo told them for the meeting at Todoroki's house and they left Kirishima with him, he entered with the redhead and they were received by a pink haired girl.

"Bakugo! I was expecting you later but come on in, my boys are training!" Mina said with a wide smile. "I bet I can take all of them down" Bakugo chuckled and she rolled her eyes "maybe, but you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty, would you?" She giggled, at first not noticing Kirishima since she was the kind of getting distracted easily "tsk, it's not like I have the need but if I wanted to I could" Katsuki crossed his arms "well I know of someone that has been training and improving a loooot" Mina said, jumping around and leading them to the centre of the Coliseum where a bunch of guys were fighting organized in pairs, others practicing their moves with weapons. There were other men around to supervise, some waved their hands to them as they passed by. "Oh really? And who would tha-" before Bakugo could finish the sentence Mina quickly got out of her coat a sharp long dagger, aiming to the blond's neck while giggling.


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