I want you~

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Kirishima smirked sweetly licking his teeth, it was like he could still feel Bakugo's skin against them and he began to make his way into the house to do as Bakugo said, getting some food to eat, taking a nice bath and changing his clothes just putting on something that one of Bakugo's servants helped him arrange. It was simple just a red sleeveless turtleneck that fit him rather well and a pair of black ripped jeans, his hair was put up into some gelled spikes that he liked quite a lot thinking they looked pretty cool. Kirishima also spent some time getting to know a few of the servants that were helping him out. One was doing his hair in the bathroom of his room and soon after he was all dressed up and his hair was all fixed he realized he had about another hour or so. Before he had to head to the living room, he decided to roam around the house just looking at different rooms and different places, talking to a few more of the servants and guards which he would tease a bit since the fighter in him saw them all as easy opponents to take on and while Kirishima was having his fun messing around and looking at the house, he kind of lost track of the time and noticing that it was nearly four, Kirishima started to make his way to the living room and eventually ended up running into Sero and Denki as they were headed to the living room as well, laughing and joking around with each other rather loud but Kirishima couldn't quite understand exactly what they were saying. He just walked up to them with a big and bright smile "oh hey guys! we should probably hurry up and get to the living room to see what Bakugo wants" Kirishima put his arms around both their shoulders and began to walk to the living room, soon walking in with both Denki and Sero his arm around each of them.

Denki and Sero now were used to having Kirishima around and even if he was bigger than them, and every time he smiled they could see his sharp teeth but they weren't afraid of him anymore "yup! Let's go with Kacchan~" the yellow haired said singing the nickname and Sero laughed. Bakugo had gotten out of his bath and he had his blond hair kinda wet, he was sitting on a huge couch as some of his servants gathered around with their normal clothes "listen up, today you have your day off. I know lately has been a bit intense but we're all good and that's what matters, right?" The people around Bakugo nodded "Sero, get my checkbook" the blond asked. The black haired knew what day was now and he happily went to take Bakugo's checkbook and handed it to him. "Line up, let's give you what you earned extras" the servants laughed when Bakugo called them like that since they knew that even if he said that he really didn't mean it. Bakugo started writing their checks and they thanked him, saying bye happily and leaving the house to enjoy their pay on their day off. Bakugo payed Denki, who tried to give him a kiss on the cheek and he avoided him "fuck off already, Dunce Face" he chuckled. Kiri watched as each person got their money and a bit of jealousy spiked when he saw Denki going in to try and kiss his cheek but he didn't know why this random spike of jealousy showed up but he didn't say anything about it.

The yellow haired giggled and said goodbye patting Sero's shoulder. The guards and Sero were the last ones to get payed, Sero ruffled Bakugo's hair and went to catch up with Denki. The very last one was Kirishima, Bakugo closed his checkbook and got out his wallet "I'll save you the trip to the bank so just take this and go out, enjoy your day. You deserve it" Bakugo said, handing him a nice amount of cash.

Kirishima froze and just looked at the cash that Bakugo had handed him with wide eyes and he held it as if he had no idea what it was or what he should do with it. After a little while of being silent, he looked to Bakugo and shook his head "Bakugo I-I can't take this I don't know what to do with it a-and it's way too much. I don't even have any place to go and I Umm... I don't wanna leave you" a bit of blush flushed over Kirishima's face as he took one of Bakugo's hands placing the money back into his hands and he knelt down a little bit to be at the same level as him "Bakugo I don't want you to be in danger. I don't want to leave you so... will you please let me stay here with you? I don't want your money or anything else from you, I-I just want to keep you safe and I want to stay as close to you as possible. I don't know how else to put it into words. I've been feeling kind of weird lately when we do things together like talk or share moments together, even just sparing or protecting you. I get this weird feeling and it feels like my chest is going to explode, my throat starts to burn and my head gets all hot and red. I don't know what it means cause I've never felt this before" Kirishima sighed his cheeks getting a bit pink and he bowed his head down softly taking a deep breath "please let me stay by your side and keep you safe Bakugo. I don't want you to get hurt or captured while I'm off doing my own selfish things and having fun. I couldn't live with myself if that happened and if you insist on me leaving to go off and have a day to myself I would at least like for you to enjoy the day with me".

Bakugo furrowed his brows a bit when Kirishima said he wouldn't accept his money and he was about to complain but he went silent when Kirishima started talking and saying all that sweet stuff to him, the furrow in his brows disappeared, his cheeks turning red. "Y-You don't wanna leave me?" He stuttered, looking down at him kneeling in front of him. "I-I f-feel something... I don't know what it is but it feels so nice a-and you m-make my heart race and pound f-faster on my chest, I'm not scared of you... I want you around, always. I want to discover what it is..." the blond confessed, looking away with his face all red. He grabbed Kirishima's hands and pulled him up, standing up himself too so they would look at each other's eyes and he felt those butterflies on his stomach while staring at those crimson eyes that he could look without getting tired of it. "I-I want to stay by your side too.. but take this, idiot. It's what you earned a-and you have to keep it because I-I don't want you just to be doing this without gaining something..." the blond said, taking his hand and placing the cash again without breaking the eye contact. Kirishima stood up when Bakugo took his hands and lifted him to stand and look each other in the eyes red on red even if their eyes were the same color Kirishima loved looking into Bakugo's eyes, they usually looked so angry or upset to others but to Kiri they looked like a pair of beautiful rubys that he was completely mesmerized by. "It's good to be selfish sometimes you know, I can't just keep you by my side all the time... I want you to see so many other things and do so much more." he said, managing to smile at him a little and he got a bit closer loving the blush on the other's face "I-If you don't want my money, then what is it that you want from me?" Bakugo asked, his eyes softly darting between his lips and Kirishima's gaze. "If you don't take the money then, whatever you want from me I will give it to you... so tell me what is it that you want, Kirishima?" Bakugo asked, his hands softly intertwining their fingers and his heart racing on his chest. He had never felt something as intense as that, he licked his lips a bit nervously as he got lost in the red of Kirishima's beautiful eyes.

When Bakugo smiled Kirishima's heart nearly skipped a beat. Bakugo was getting closer to him, Kirishima stayed silent at first as their fingers intertwined "Bakugo I-.... I want..." Kirishima stuttered squeezing his hand and putting the other hand around his waist, dropping the money that he was holding and he began pressing their body's together. It was almost as if his body just moved on its own and he brought their faces closer, their noses brushing against each other and he whispered "Bakugo I don't want the money" Kirishima brushed their lips together slowly closing his eyes "Bakugo... I just want you~ and I can't hold back from this. I want to taste your lips, I want to hold you close and keep you safe not just as a friend or a bodyguard... but as something more than that Bakugo..." Kirishima finally pressed their lips together with a hum feeling this exciting chill run down his spine and he squeezed Bakugo closer slowly making the kiss more rough.

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