# 30

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"end the call." said suna.

"take her phone."
"I WILL END YOU!" i yelled as samu reached for my phone, kenma laughing on the phone.


kita sighed, taking my phone and telling kenma bye before hanging up.

i gasped as i looked over at him.

"fine." i said, getting up and opening discord.

"NO." suna said, unplugging my pc from the wall.

i opened my mouth to say something but i ended up putting my head on my desk.

"you've been in your house since we got back, y/n." kita said, grabbing my arms and lifting me out my chair and basically dragging me to my bed.

"kita, i live here."
"dumbass, that's not what he meant." ATSUMU said and i looked up with wide eyes.

"he's just upset you don't hang out with him anymore." samu said, pushing tsumu over so he can sit down.

"it's been 3 da-"
"GIRL IT HAS BEEN A WEEK." aran said in disbelief as i just rolled over and groaned.

"what are we doing today, since EVERYONE came." i said as i wrapped my arms around the extremely pouty atsumu.

"fair." suna said as i felt tsumu hug back and shove his head in my neck.

"then barnes and nobles, i need more manga." i said as kita shrugged. "if you say so."

— tikeskip baes <3 go drink water and eat pls !! and wear your masks outdoors OR get beat the fuck up !!!

"y/n, i'm not carrying that shit." suna said, pushing the bag away as i shoved it into his chest more aggressively.

"i need to get my damn card." i said as he groaned and grabbed the bag. i paid and took it back, "such a baby."

"you didn't have to be so many-" samu said as we came out the store and i rolled my eyes, "i'm trying to collect this anime AND they had the missing volumes i needed, so i did need to buy this many." i said watching atsumu come towards me to take the bag and look through it.

"is that demon slayer i see-" he gasped as i moved my bag back. "move!" i said, shoving him away.

"cut it out, both of you." kita said coming from whenever him and aran ran off to.

"no." i said as aran looked at my bag of books before walking away.

"let's go to nekoma." i said as i got onto the train as they all said no.

"let the boy breathe."

"let the girl call her boyfriend please-" osamu said with his head in his hands, tired of me constantly mentioning kenma.

"not my boyfriend-"
"exactly, you don't need to call your friends everyday."
"says who?"
"SAYS ANYONE EVER???" aran said, leaning forward to stare into my soul.

"maybe he doesn't like it, don't you always call first?" atsumu spoke up , which wAS A MISTAKE.

"yeah but-"

"wait til he calls first, the phone goes both ways." he said, sitting back after taking a book at my bag.

"tsumu-" kita said once he saw my face drop.

"okay." was all i said when i sat back and pulled out the next volume of demon slayer that i needed to read.

unedited <3
i haven't read demon slayer (i've watched it) but i will collect that anime one day 😀 watch Me.

also atsumu is the most babiest , worse advice giving person in this BOOK and i'm having fun with it. he'll be all "WAA Y/N WONT TALK TO ME" then straight up tell her kenma doesn't wanna talk to her LMAOOOO

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