# 54

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"sit, aki. i want to hear y/n's side first." he said as i walked into the office, sitting down.

"but-" she started as he closed the door on her. as he should <3.

"so," he sat down, leaning against his hands like he did the first time i came here.
"what?" i asked, "it was just an argument, nothing serious." i shrugged.

"sure sure, but you seem more upset then the first time." he hummed, clicking on his laptop.

"i was literally on the urge of tears the first time."
"and now you won't talk." he told me, pushing a candy jar over.

"have a piece of candy." he said, taking one for himself.

"i'm good, thanks." i pushed it back before sighing. "can i go?"

"after you explain what happened, do as you please."

"it was just an argument. nothing physically happened." i groaned as i stood up, "may i?"


"why does this argument have you so upset?" he asked.
"because i'm a liar for some reason, and i'm the problem in every situation ever. then i got suspended for defending myself, in the wrong way, yeah, but i also got pay back for what she or her friends did to my locker that i had to clean up on my own." i leaned against the wall, "i'm always the bad guy in situations with aki because she's has everyone wrapped around her finger and they just believes everything she spits."

"y/n, you got suspended for fighting and then walking out." he said as he pointed to the seat.

"we still don't know who did that to your locker, all we heard was that you confirmed to doing it." he told me as i sat down and rolling my eyes, "we haven't checked for footage yet-"

"y'all had a whole week to do that?? plus she basically admitted to it today, the boy's volleyball team as a witness. what happened to me is over, old news. believe me or not, i have witnesses. aki has been bullying me all year and she walks free, i fight her once, and get a week off and nearly kicked off the team and all i did was pour water and throw wet napkins on her when i couldve done much worse." i told him as he started writing it down, getting me to finally talk.

"i come back monday, went to practice and did a great job helping the people who don't play. ask coach if you need to. that's when i find out she quit to join the boys team. suspicious, isn't it? especially after hearing all this happened because she likes suna." i said, tilting my head.

"after practice, i get ready to go home with the boys, just to see her kissing suna only to find out, she forced her lips onto his, which is disgusting and ... like against any rules ever. THEN she had the audacity to call me a liar! who would lie about getting picked on? about the stupidest shit ever." i groaned.

"well, y/n, why do you care about who the boys of the team dates? you don't like them, correct?" he asked

"no! i see them as brothers, as FAMILY. but no one should have to bully me to get to them. the boys wouldn't like anyone who had to make someone else feel like shit to get to them, no one would like that."

"so.. you're saying aki can't date suna because she bullied you to get to him.."
"no! suna can date whoever he wants. why'd you make it sound so childish." i rolled my eyes and stared in the corner again, annoyed.

"it seems like you're taking this, a bit far." he commented as i inhaled. "yes bullying is a problem and its not acceptable at this school, but so is fighting, which caused her physical damage-"

"oh fuck off with that! wet napkins and water does not cause bruises! that was makeup! suna even wiped it off.-"

"why does you, y/n l/n, care about who the boy's team date?"
"why do you, the so called amazing principal of inarizaki continues to ignore the real problem that one of your students getting bullied, hm?" i asked as he looks taken aback.

"forget about the relationship crap, i'm telling you i've been picked on and you're choosing to ignore it. does aki have you around her finger too? you, as the principal, is worrying about relationships between students and not the fact that someone's being bullied."

"if you're just going to ignore the real problem and defend her then i'd like to leave now." i told him as he sighed.

"let me in!" someone shouted.

i know that voice-

"SUNA STO-" kita shouted as the door swung open.

"i'm here to defend y/n." he shrugged, leaning against the wall.

"not you too-" said kita as atsumu barged in

"same here." atsumu joined.

"what??" i said as the principal motioned suna to sit beside me.

he tried kicking out tsumu but he literally sat on the floor with a glare, making the principal give up. (I LOVE ATSUMU SO MUCH PLEOAKEPEE)

"can you confirm aki kissed you, forcefully, without your consent?" he asked and suna nodded, "and can you confirm that you don't like aki, or not in a relationship with aki because of y/n?"

"not that it's your business, but i don't like aki, for my own reasons. y/n is my friend, not someone who can control me to like whoever she want." suna spoke, leaning back, "i'm still my own person, you know?"

"may i ask why you don't like aki?"
"god, she's annoying to begin with, but she has also been picking on our little y/n and you're not focusing on that, may i ask why?" suna asked, shrugging.

"last time i checked, i'm in charge."
"great! last time i check, teachers and staff shouldn't be in student's relationships issues. why aren't you focusing on the fact y/n is being bullied."

"there's not enough witnesses-"
"there's plenty."
"you guys don't count."
"and why don't they?" i asked as he just groaned.

"fine, call up the girls volleyball team. you can't cross them out, they've seen it happen. if you don't count them as witnesses, it proves that you care about aki more than students being bullied which ALSO means you aren't fit to be the principal of any school." i said, pushing him the phone, him hesitating.

"need names?" i asked, cocking an eyebrow.

i do be making situations more extra then they Need to be 🧍🏽 i got bored towards the end and just wrote whatever but BLINKS.


0512 - again, i hate these chapters LMFOAOSDN. going to add another part to this (maybe) then go back to random chapters. people probably wont like them but i personally like them better and i want to LIKE what i WRITE.
serious chapters like this make me Cringe so much and if you dont like random chapters, im sorry </3

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