# 50

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"you know what, fuck you. Disrespectfully." i told kenma as he sat at my desk, ignoring me as i literally continued to "BadWord" him

"can you be quiet?" he turned around, putting his switch in his lap as i gasped.

"NOW YOU REPLY??" i asked him and he groaned, getting up and laying on the bed.

"what do you want?" he asked as he scrolled through his phone, adding food to his order.

"where are you ordering from?" i asked him as i laid on his shoulder, shoving my face in his phone.
"OO I WANT THAT." i told him, pointing at the chicken nuggets.

"no, you child." he groaned and sat up, pushing my head away.

"kuroo would be so upset to know all you eat is fucking nuggets."

"okay smartass what did YOU order." i asked as he looked away, "EXACTLY. PUT MY NUGGETS IN THE ORDER."

"NO- GET OFF" he yelled as i tackled him and pushed his phone out his hands and ran.

"IM NOT CHASING YOU!" he shouted from the room as i ran downstairs, giggling.

"nuggets and fries, thank you." i hummed and added a burger since kenma just had Fries.

and had the audacity to speak on how i eat.

"you- give me my phone." he groaned as i walked downstairs.

"say please." i hummed as he launched at me.


"SHH." i shushed him as the knocking continued.

"Y/N I KNOW YOURE THERE WITH KENMA!" kuroo yelled as i blinked.

"why is he her-"
"open the door or i'm talking shoyo home-" he said as i burst open the door.

"HI SUNSHINE!" i shouted as i shoved kuroo out of the way since he was Attempting to block my baby from me.

"I TOOK OFF YOUR FOOD!" kenma yelled as he tossed his phone on the couch, kuroo letting himself in.

"i will literally just starve, i do not care." i told him as hinata walked in, dragging me with him.

"no, you will not-" kuroo spoke as kenma finally pulled me off shoyo.

"y/n! y/n! kuroo and i brought you a smoothie-"

"UNCLE WHO?" i shouted as kenma guarded shoyo.

"kuroo said he'll play volleyball with me if i called him that-"
"if you're going to bribe him, give him something decent in return." i groaned and grabbed the smoothie that kuroo sat on the table.

"woah this is so good???" i said as i took another sip.

"WHAT ISS THISSS???" i asked them, staring at the cup.

"i actually made that, you're welcome."
"ohmygod did you drug this???" i asked him as i still continue to drink it.

"no i pissed in it." he rolled his eyes as i literally stopped drinking it and was about to pour it out.

"HES JOKING I PROMISE! I WATCHED HIM MAKE IT!" hinata said quickly, glaring hard as hell at kuroo.

"ohmygod did y'all see that?-" i asked as kenma was just confused. "HIS GLARE?? DID YOU NOT SEE THAT??"

"NO?? IM NOT EVEN LOOKING AT HIM." he groaned as he checked his phone, probably for his food... HOPEFULLY FOR HIS FOOD ??? 🤨

"my food is like a block away." he said and i jumped on his back. "take me with."

"for FOOD?" he asked as he grabbed onto the back of my thigh as i nodded, "and safety ofcourse."

"they're coming to the door?? now get off-"

[ ding dong ]

"that's the doorbell, don't make them wait." i giggled as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

"you're such a child." he groaned as he opened the door.

"here's your order." she said as she handed him his food, "just sign here.. to confirm you reserved your order in perfect condition." she said scribbling something down then handing kenma the pad with a note with her number.

i groaned and laid my head on his shoulder, staring the girl down, her somehow not noticing me.

"here, and sorry, i can't accept your number." he said, handing her the number back, "thank you for the delivery." he thanked her and went to close the door as i stuck my tongue out and kicked the door shut.

"Y/N!" he put me down and looked out the window, seeing the girl had left.

"oh kenma, you got a jealous one on your hands." kuroo said, messing up the boy's hair as i laid on the couch with shoyo.

"do you think he would've took it if i wasn't there?" i asked him and he shook his head, "even if he did, he probably wouldn't save it. he didn't even save kuroo's and that's literally his best friend."

"ITS SAVED NOW." he yelled from the kitchen, walking out and tossing my nuggets & fries on my lap.

"his number is Saved now." he said, pointing at us, then at me, "you're welcome." he said, staring at the food in my lap before walking off.

"i thought you took it off??" i asked, teasing him as i was LAUGHING AND HE POINTED TO THE TRASH???

"throw it away."
"absolutely not, you spent money on this, Why would i waste food And Money???" i said as i stuffed fries in my mouth.

"BE QUIET AND EAT" he groaned, throwing a fry at me, "DONT THROW FOOD IN MY HOUSE"

"this is like one of those really weird moments were the married couple fights with their child and child's uncle visible." kuroo mumbled to shoyo as he nodded.

"you are Not his uncle."
"i literally am, right?" he asked shoyo and he nodded, "did you know my uncle plays volleyball? nothing can top that."

"no." we, kenma and i, said at the same time before continuing to eat.

"they'll come around." kuroo shrugged.

this was So unexpectedly fun

anyways y'all know y'all can request chapters now??? like im Really trying here and i need HELP.

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