# 26

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"where am i?" i mumbled as i opened my eyes to see a volleyball coming at me at full speed.

"Y/N!" kuroo shouted as i dodged the ball.

"i'm sorry!" he whined as kenma glared at him before walking over to me.

"are you okay?" he asked as i nodded, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"why am i here??" i asked as he sat beside me.

"you went out with tendou, got snacks, went to a park and fell asleep." he told me as i furrowed my brows.

"he told me dummy." he said, reading my confused expression.

"oh." i mumbled before laying my head on his shoulder, feeling him tense up.

"have kita came by? atsumu? anyone?" i asked as he shook his head, "i'm sure kuroo told kita himself."

"i should probably go," i told him as i stood up, only for him to grab my arm, "stay the practice. coach doesn't mind and i'll have kuroo make up something so you don't get in any trouble." he said, looking up with eyes as if he was telling me not to go.

"are you sure?" i asked him and he hummed, pulling me back onto the bench.

"i'm starving." i groaned as i laid my head back on his shoulder, this time he didn't tense up.

"lunch is in about.. 10 minutes." he told me, looking at the clock then back at me.

"you don't have to watch my every move." he groaned and looked away but i knew he was blushing.

"yeah but you're eye catching, it's hard not to stare." i shrugged and laid on his lap so i can look directly into his face instead of his side which was mostly covered by his hair.

"what are you doing?" he asked, looking directly at my face, "appreciating your handsomeness." i said without hesitation and his eyes widened before he put his hands over my face.

"stop," he groaned as he grabbed my head and lifted it up, "i have practice still, watch me all you like, just don't forget to blink." he shrugged with a smile after hearing let out a quiet chuckle.

"i'm going to enjoy this show." i said, sitting up to pay close attention.

(currently at the dentist, just got numbing shots and i didn't feel NOTHING. i'm getting used to needles y'all, be proud </3)


"someone blushing~" kuroo said, throwing his heavy ass arm around me.

"leave me alone." i said pushing his arm off and turning away.

"i saw you guys just now, you were all mmm mwah mwah" he said, making kissy faces as i shoved him away.

"kuroo!" i glared at him as i turned back to see y/n very amused about the whole scene.

"such an ass." i groaned as he laughed, "but you love this ass." he shrugged, bouncing me the ball off his ass as if he had cake like bokuto.

"send me a ball, nekoma's brain."

unedited ; prewritten.
guess who made an actual chapter ;)
not only is it an actual chapter, ITS A KENMA CHAPTER. he's included AND has his own pov.

and his pov is so Hard 😀. like i want him to be all grr angry i beat up my teammates and i care about my games more than my health but i also hate how i made him seem like a little blushy bitch boy when around y/n BUT COME ON. ILL BE NERVOUS AS HARD TOO — AROUND ANYONE.

not me giving y/n and kenma two of my many personalities. LMAOOO

ANYWAYS. i love u guys so much & ur comments r so funny, i love seeing them.
& thanks for 30k ?? sobs uncontrollably .

also i can't feel my lips— like duh bitch what'd you expect after being numbed...

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