# 53

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"im telling you she Kissed me. you know i wouldn't kiss her."

"Do i know that though?" i asked him as i continued to play on my phone, walking to lunch as suna tried to explain himself to everyone.

"y/n, give him a break." samu groaned as we opened the doors and sitting at our table.

"i saw him kiss aki, let me cope."
"that's not how..... okay."

"i DIDNT KISS HER" suna said, slamming his head on the table.

"oh baby are yo-"
"LEAVE HIM ALONE. he's Fine." i told aki as she came up to our table as i blocked her from suna.

"stop getting in the way of other's people's business." she glared as she shoved me out the way, right into aran as he Literally held me back.

"you just got back y/n, let it go." he told me as he got up and shoved me in between him and kita.

"she just-"
"yeah, but you're not supposed to be in volleyball right now, remember?" kita asked as i sat back and watched the whole disgusting interaction infront of me.

"just because i can't physically attack you back doesn't mean i can't speak." i told aki as she forced her way beside suna, him moving away and she took that as him giving her space.

"can you LEAVE him alone, we were having a conversation?" i asked her as calmly as i could, digging my nails into my thigh.

"and i'm trying to see if he's okay. he's not yours and you can't just boss me around, plus they'll be seeing me alot more." she said and i furrowed my eyes and tilted my head.

"the fuck does that mean?" literally everyone asked, suna sitting up, rubbing his forehead since HE SLAMMED IT ON THE TABLE and moved, looking at her like she had three heads.

"oh! i signed up for you guys manager, surprise!" she said smiling as tsumu and samu choked on the food and shook their head.

"absolutely not." they said together. (twins 👯‍♂️ )
"why not?"

"waaaaait." i said laughing, "you quit the girls team to be with the boys teams because you like suna? do you not realize they... don't like you???" i said, slapping my hand over my mouth, LAUGHING MORE BECAUSE THIS WAS HILARIOUS

"no, YOU dont like me and you probably talked shit about me constantly for them to look at me different because you want them to yourself." she said, slamming her hands on the table.

"aah!" i fake screamed, jumping and raising my hands. "i don't know if you've noticed, but i don't have any loving feelings for these boys, they're family to me, smartass. and even if i did, you wouldn't catch me forcing my lips onto them." i told her as her eyes widened.

"yeah, i saw that little stunt. you're disgusting." i told her, leaning against the table, getting as close as possible since neither aran nor kita would let me MOVE.

"i didnt-"
"you did." suna butt in, glaring at her, "and you can't be manager if the team doesn't approve of you. you're a huge distraction you know?"

"you don't know me though! you only know what y/n tells you! you don't know if she could be lying or not." she tried to defend her as samu drank his juice, knowing she was lying through her teeth.

"so who dirtied her locker and wet her books?" he asked, putting his drink down as she stuttered.

"i-it wasn't-"
"so was it your friends? the ones you talked about me with that one day when they claimed kita called me annoying? the same ones who tried to label me as something i'm not because i hung out with other schools?"

"you're lying."
"i'm lying? i HEARD IT WITH MY OWN EARS??? i wouldn't go to class, late at that, and ignore atsumu for no reason. i wouldn't lie to suna and osamu by telling them i fucked up my own locker, for no reason. i wouldn't ignore the entire team and snap at kita about him being overprotective of me if i was lying!" i shouted at her, finally standing to my feet, the boys in shock to even notice.

"i've told you once, and i'll tell you again. you'll never have a chance with suna, or any of the boys if you continue to try and bring me down to get there. i couldve cared less if you wanted to get in their pants but you thought it'll be easier to bully me out of the way? you're pathetic to even think it'll help at all. yeah, i slipped up and showed you a different side of me on multiple occasions but i want you to remember that i, bad mood or not, am better than you in every way possible. i know my limits and i don't have to pick on people to get my way." i calmed down, feeling too many eyes on me.

"y/n- stop and sit down before someone comes." atsumu tried to get my attention.

"y/n!" they all called out as i turned around.

"what?" i huffed. "i'm not doing anything."
"you're yelling, in the cafeteria, bringing attention to the table? you're doing A lot.. plus you're probably on watch." aran said as he pulled me down to sit.

"they cant be watching me, i'm not a threat? i should be able to defend and stand up for myself without getting in trouble—"

"y/n. aki." i stopped once i heard my name only to see the principal.
"my office, now."

unedited ' prewritten

nothing's bad going to happen to y/n, spoiler <3 but like don't worry. she just needed to let out the ... anger 🤨. i could've wrote it better but .. im lazy so ... sorry LOL.

i hate this chapter pls i hate how Serious this is .. 🤢 i like doing random chapters pls.

0508 - LOL HI, don't ask me personal questions?? i gave you all the information i wanted to share in my introduction chapter.. it makes me uncomfortable and its not even about ME, its about my location???? im a minor. & im not going to give you something (PERSONAL) just because you asked
PLUS my location is no one's business and there's no reason for me to share it <3.

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