# 41.1

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Y/N POV — creds to @/kenmazzleftknee for the idea :D. this was Extremely hard because y/n will straight up telling them to just Stop Talking 🤨 BUT WE CAN TRY YUP.

"god, she's so annoying? i feel bad for kita." one said.

"right? he genuinely seems so tired of her but without them, who even is she?" another replied.

"she's keeping them to herself, it's weird. she's not pretty enough to be with them."

"you say that with everyone."

"yeah but no one is all over suna like she is!"

"woah, what's happening? who are we talking about?" another voice chimed in.

"y/n. ugh, i hate her."

"the annoying one whose always with the volleyball team? i just heard them talking about her.."

"really? what happened?"

"heard she snuck out to go skating with two different schools.. she's not only being being like that here, but at other schools too, even in different areas!"

"ugh, disgusting."

"when kita found out, he seemed so annoyed and just tired. i don't know why he still care, he should definitely let her go, him and the entire team."

i sighed and pushed off the wall, fixing my skirt before walking away.

"blah blah blah, girls run their mouths too fucking much." i groaned as i fixed my socks before walking into class.

"y/n, you're late."
"tardy me." i said blunty, slapping a note i had got before hearing them.

"y/n..?" atsumu called out as i walked by him, sitting down.

i put my hand on the desk and leaned my face on it, looking out the window.

"without them, who is she?" i thought as i spun my pencil around my fingers, zoning out the class.

"y/n! the bell rung." i heard atsumu called out as i jumped and looked towards him.

"are you okay?" he asked as he crouched them beside my desk as i packed up.

"better than ever." i forced a smile as i got up, running out the class while waving him goodbye.

"your locker." samu stopped, looking at the mess.

'annoying' was written in red, wet tissues all over, but it didn't stop there. once opened, more wet tissue came out, some dry but my books were soaked.

"what the hell??" suna said as he stopped and stared.

i turned around and smiled, rubbing the back of my head. "accidents happen.. i guess." i replied laughing as i grabbed my wet books and shut my locker, walking off as i tried the shake the water from them, which i'll have to pay for if ruined.

"that was so forced." samu said as he crossed his arms, "and how do you accidentally write annoying on your own locker." he mumbled and suna just put his hands in his pockets.

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