# 45

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Y/N POV — #44 PT2
it was a part before this which basically some guy attacked y/n cus he was just being gross and saying the women are here to please men and y/n threw her lemonade in his eyes 😍 BUT I DIDNT LIKE IT SO I DELETED IT <3

"how are you feeling?" my mom asked as we drove home, agreeing to spend the rest of our day there.

"i'm okay mom," i told her with a smile, holding the bag of ice to my head (!! he attacked her and "shoved" her head into the seats) i told her i didn't need it but here we are.

"i planned out alot today, if someone didn't ruin it, we'll probably be at the spa."

"THE SPA???" i asked her, dropping the ice.
"the ice y/n!" she shouted me as i grabbed ice, putting it back.
"sorry sorry-"

"when we get home, we can do face masks and our nails, yeah? then if you're feeling better, i'll take you to the mall. you can invite the team if you want to feel safer, from the.. you know." she told me as i shook my head.

"i wanna spend the day with you, you're leaving tomorrow." i told her as we finally arrived home.

after lots of movies, painting of nails, face masks, baking, painting and much more, it was night and mom decided to head to pack before bed.

i yawned and got up, yelling goodnight to mom before grabbing a cupcake before going to my room.

[ ding ]

• are u okay??
• there's a video of you, well, it could be someone else but i know how you Look and that had to be you.
• pls reply and let me know if you're okay. only samu and i seen it, that i know of, and i want to let everyone know you're okay before they start spamming.
• what..
• can u send me the video??
• [link]

"ofcourse." i mumbled.

• i'm okay!
• i didn't know i was being recorded lol
• can we come over tomorrow? kita said your mom wont be home and i really want to check up on you.
• ofcourse! i'm really tired so i'm going to go to bed.
• goodnight tsumu!
• goodnight y/n!!

i turned off my phone and groaned. "today was... something." i mumbled as i took off my pants and got into bed, turning on something random before laying down and dozing off.

"shut up, she's sleeping."
"don't pull on her COVERS?? HER PANTS ARE OFF"
"ow??! stop hitting me!"

"let him in."
"move out the way, hey kenma, hey hinata."

"can you shut up." i groaned and rolled over to see tsumu, samu, and suna with kenma and hinata.

"get out, i don't have on pants." i mumbled as i sat up, "wait, shoyo." i stopped him as i waved him over.

"hug from shoyo to make my day better." i nodded as he hugged me then i flicked kenma off, for no reason but HE RETURNED IT SO.

"now out, i need to put on Clothes." i told them as i heard them shut my door.

i got up and grabbed my pants off the floor, going to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and fix my hair.

i then grabbed my jacket and socks before going downstairs to grab a cupcake from last night.

"i wanted a hug." i heard tsumu say, watching kenma glare him down as i left the kitchen, throwing the wrapper at kenma and hugging tsumu.

"oh so we giving out hugs?" suna asked as he ran towards me.

"MY CUPCAKE! STOP." i yelled at him as he laughed at me.

"hey samu, thank you for being normal." i thanked him as i sat next to kenma, putting frosting on his nose.

"stop pouting."
"i Was Not pouting."

"you were." samu spoke up, shocking everyone as kenma bumped our noses, getting the frosting on me too.

"so," i said after i wiped my nose and kenma's, "what are we going to do today?" i asked as hinata laid his head on my shoulders, trying to see if my jacket matches his hair.

"can we talk about the video??? first??" suna asked as i looked away.

"why That."
"what video?" kenma asked, noticing my sudden change.

"y/n." suna said turning my head towards kenma.

"let him know."
"do i have to?"
"i mean, no, you dont Have to." he said as i rolled my eyes.

"might as while since you three already fucking know." i said, giving kenma my phone to show him the video.

".. first off, are you okay?" he asked and i nodded, handing the phone to hinata as he literally tried to climb over me to see.

"did he touch you?" he asked again and i sat back, shaking my head. "other than him basically slamming my head into the booth, no."

"what even happened.. like from the start?" samu asked and i got up to grab another cupcake.

"absolutely not." tsumu said grabbed my arm and sitting my back down.

"uhhh my mom and i went out to the restaurant, she went to the bathroom, a group of people sat with us, him beside me. uhh," i said thinking as i tried to remember the actual parts and order. i really just wanted a cupcake.

"my mom came back and asked them to move, they did, he didn't and he was like "the booth isnt only for two people" so i told him to get the fuck up-"

"infront of your mom-"

"yes?? don't cut me off ohmygod," i said putting my head in my hands, "blah blah, he said something about us women only being here to please men and i threw my lemonade in his face then he got all angry, which he should be grateful i didn't pepper spray him." i said sitting back up and rolling my eyes.

"as i tried to get up, he literally jumped across the table and pushed my head into the booth as he started hissing in my face, and my foot decided to get STUCK." i said , flexing my fingers angrily as kenma smacked them.


"after that, i got free, kicked him and ran out with my mom." i shrugged. "then they called the police. theyre so mmm when they're doing their job correctly." i said nodded as i looked at tsumu.

"can i get my cupcake now." i asked and he let me get up, "thank you!"

unedited LOL

the "police are so mmm when they're doing their job correctly" is So ?? clapping. because its not hard to... Do ur Job correctly without killing people ... with no valid reason..

anyways <3 love u guys so much! also my server is in my still in my bio, come join and we can bully each other 😁

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