# 42

13K 551 911


i groaned and rolled over, feeling my bed is no longer even.

"get off." i mumbled, pushing at whatever was sinking my bed in like that.

"hello to you too," he said as he pushed my arms away.

"kenma?" i asked and looked up, seeing him play his game on my tv.

"are you-"

"BUT WHY??" i asked as i sat up, seeing he had turned off my stuff to play whatever on his switch.

"you were sleeping and i was bored." he said as i rolled my eyes and got up.

"did you clean my room too??" i asked him as he nodded and pointed to the chair.

"piss hair brought those for you, kita told me to stay since i'm better." he shrugged.

"that was a lie-" i told him as he laughed and stood up.

"i heard what happened." he whispered as he hugged me. "i'm sorry."

"it's whatever." i mumbled as kenma lifted my head and kissing my cheek.

"what-" i stared at him as my face heated up.

"i don't find you annoying. i find you rather.. unique. you're fun to be around, you even brought me out my own little bubble, which kuroo struggled to do himself when we were younger, but you did it so easily." he said as he held onto my hands, moving the snacks and sitting me in my chair before pushing it over to my bed, sitting infront of me.

"other than volleyball, and the team, you make me happy, so fucking happy." he said as i looked down, feeling like my head was going to explode.

"are you going to confess to me?" i asked, trying to change the subject and joke as kenma laughed, lifting my head.

"would you rather me to confess to you?" he asked as i shook my head quickly.

"i wanna play a game, lets play a game:" i said quickly as i tried to turn the chair around but kenma stopped it, leaning in to my face.

"k-ken-" i stuttered out as he laid his head on my shoulder, laughing.

"DONT LAUGH AT ME???" i groaned as i covered my face. "you're so mean. i thought you were going to kiss me."

"i was! you just looked so flustered."

"you're being annoyingly bold today." i rolled my eyes and he looked up smiling.

"and you're being adorably flustered today."

"I WANT THE OLD KENMA BACK." i groaned as i turned my chair around.

"okay okay," he laughed as he turned the chair back. "i'll just continue to kiss you everywhere else but your lips." he shrugged as i grabbed his face and quickly kissed his lips, pulling away and grabbing a controller.

"let's play minecraft-" i spoke as kenma came out of literally nowhere and kissed me, holding it way longer than i did.

"let's make a new world." he said as he pulled away, me blinking.

"WAIT WAIT," i said, taking his controller.

"you like me?" i asked and he nodded, shrugging and looking away

"people just don't kiss people like that if they didn't like them." he mumbled as i smiled hard as hell.

"what-" he asked as i squinted my eyes, bit my lip and put my thumb and index under my chin.

"Y/N- IM BEING SERIOUSLY." he groaned as he fell back on my bed.

"KENKEN." i cried out as i jumped into his arms.

"YOU LOVE ME??" i asked him as he flinched from my sudden loudness.

"lov-" he started as i nodded.
"do you love me?" he asked, sitting up on his elbows as i puffed out my cheeks and turned away, "i asked first."

"both of you, stop acting like that and confess." i heard someone yell from the window, then a bunch of shushes.

"its your team, isn't it?" kenma asked as i got up and opened my blinds which were only half closed.

"suna." i said as i opened the window.
"y/n." he replied, putting down his phone.

"what are you do-"
"kita said he invited kenma over so tsumu dragged samu and samu dragged me."

"BUT I TOLD THE GC I WAS FINE???" i said as they pushed me aside , climbing in, kenma just laying back, watching everything.

"did you two kiss?" tsumu said as he eyed us.

"n- KENMA??" i turned around to see him sits up and glare at tsumu who was glaring back.

"stop that." i said, throwing my pillow at kenma and osamu hitting atsumu.

"go on, confess," suna said as he ate my snacks.

"im calling kita." i groaned as i grabbed my phone, calling kita.


"hello?" kita answered as suna and atsumu shouted.

"i- i'm coming." he groaned and hung up as i sat down with kenma.

"kita said he's coming." i told them as kenma pulled me against him.

"tsumu stop glaring at him like that!" samu hissed, hitting tsumu harder.

"suna! osamu! atsumu!" kita yelled from the window.

"did you re-"
"you thought i lied????"

"get out of her house!" kita shouted again, osamu climbing out the window, since he didn't really care enough to stay. i mean, he WAS dragged along.

"kenma, y/n likes you~" suna said before making kissy faces and climbing out the window.

"treat her right or i'll beat you to a pulp." atsumu threatened kenma with a glare then looked at me with a smile, "bye y/nie!" he said before climbing out the window and closing it.

"sorry about that." i told kenma as i heard kita's muffled voice go away.

"so you do like me."
"i mean, you are the father of my son.."

"so that's why you dragged me away from that girl at camp? because i'm the father of your son?"

"no. i did that because i didn't like you walking off with a stranger."
"she's in my cl-"
"A STRANGER." i told him as he laughed.

"i love you." he said as he made another world.
"i love you too i gue-" i mumbled as he started to hit my character.


triple update cus i didnt update for like ...... 3+ days </3

also <3 kenma & y/n confessed AND kissed. i call that feeding my readers well. PLUS it an 1000+ words chapter

thinking about starting another book though and i know it probably won't do as well as this one but i wanna give the other an actual plot.

anyways thank u sm for 180k+ <33 k and for all the comments (not the tendou slander <3) and the votes :D i love you all so much.

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